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2 days have passed and Haeri didn't receive any message. She felt bad for not paying back.

"What's wrong? Troubles about moving?" Her dad asked

"No, everything is fine"

"I'm sorry we needed to move" her mom apologize because they left home for her grandma.

"Mom, I'm ok. I already made a friend at work"

"That's my girl"

Unknown number

Is this Haeri?

Who are you?

The person you gave the number


That's my name

For a moment I thought you lost the paper
I was feeling bad about the money

Actually I don't want the money
I wanted to say that

No, I don't want to own you money
I promise I won't kill you

If you promise I may consider

Will you?

No money Haeri

You're making me feel bad
Now I'll check twice if I bring my wallet
But that place is really good

It is
It's one of my favorites

Do you go there often?

Trying to know my whereabouts?

I'm not a killer!

Are you sure?

You're turning me into one

But yeah I go there often

Maybe that's why you're face is familiar
I maybe saw you there before

You go there many times?

Trying to know my whereabouts?


Every Friday I go there
Me and my friend do our little ritual to see our k-drama

So maybe I'll see you again

And I'll pay you dinner

With me


I'll let you pay my dinner if you eat with me

I'll think about it

"Why are you smiling?" Hoshi asked him while he entered the room "I'm going out to grab something to eat"

"Nothing. Where are you going?" He said putting down the phone but Hoshi grabbed the phone "STOP!"

"Who is Haeri?" He said grinning

"No one" he was blushing which made Hoshi even more curious

"No for real, who made you blush like that?" He said closing the door

"It's just a girl I met that night I went to grab us food" Woozi surrendered and started telling him about her " she forgot her wallet and I paid for her, then we talked and she gave me her number to text her a time to give me the money, which I don't want"

Hoshi was smiling and now with his legs crossed next to him " what she's like?"

"She's beautiful, funny..."

"Awww you like her" he said "so when are you gonna see her?"

"I don't like her... I talked to her once"

"Yup you're smiling at your phone... you like her. You never do that"

"It's just... she was really beautiful and funny."

"Woozi, you like her" Hoshi smiled ear to ear

"Don't say anything. It's just between us" he glared at his friend

"Don't go grab the guitar but promised me you'll ask her out"

"She goes to that restaurant every Friday. I'm thinking of going and meet her again" he confessed

"It's a start"

Next Friday came up, and Woozi was ready to go, he just didn't count 12 people waiting for him.

"May we know where are you going?" Jeonghan asked with a smirk


"You need perfume to bring food?" Mingyu asked

"Food" Woozi said again but the boys didn't moved

"The truth" Scoups asked

"I'm gonna to the ramen place to get food" he bumped into them but could get out

Everyone loves 🦖

Bring me some too



You guys are annoying
Yes Dino I'll bring you some

Arriving at the place, he looked inside but didn't saw her. So he decided to walk around the block.

Still nothing... another round

Still nothing..."isn't she coming tonight?" He thought

"Jihoon?" Her sweet voice made him turn his head "hey, perfect I can pay you back" she smiled taking her wallet

"Hey, don't" he stopped her hand from giving him money "dinner?" She chuckled nodding

Everyone loves 🦖

Something came up
Dino make your own food



What's happening?

What's going on?

He put down the phone and focus on the person in front of him.

"So are you liking it here?" He asked

"Hmm yes, it's still weird. There's a lot of movement, always afraid of bumping into people"  he chuckled

"You get use to it" he poured her water

"My friend thought you were a murder"

"Same though as me. I like her" he laughed "but are you feeling ok? Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No" she giggled and became his favorite sound "I'm good, you seem like a good person" she smiled " let me eat before killing me" she winked at him

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