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It has been a week since Woozi and Haeri broke up. Seventeen members are walking on eggshells around him, even Scoups he's afraid of talking to him.

"He's awful" Jun said " we should do something"

"He's the one who broke up with her.... Bitna said she took the break up in a hard way too"

"He broke up because of Wonshik, we told him not to" Jeonghan added

"We have to record today... carats will notice he's down" Minghao said " anyone can see that"

"Yeah Jungkook asked me what's wrong with him"

"Let him be" Wonwoo said " he's having a hard time, let's make the video and let's have dinner together to make him better"

"Woozi we're leaving!" Joshua yelled for him

"Do I need to go? Can't you just say I was sick...."

"Come on, let's go" Scoups said glaring at him "don't play the victim when you were the one who broke her heart"

They looked at Woozi and even if they thought Scoups was rude they didn't dare to say anything. It was obvious Scoups didn't agree with Woozi reason to break up with Haeri.

Woozi nodded and got his things before they left.

They were driving to the set when the car stopped at a red light.

"Isn't that Haeri?" Dino said pointing outside

"Where?!" Woozi looked immediately but then he wished he didn't.

Haeri was walking with Wonshik and she had a bouquet of roses on her hand.

Woozi looked up and sighed, he didn't need to see that. His anger and jealousy was getting hard to control, he took another look just to see Wonshik take the flowers of her hand and flick her forehead.

"Woo-"Hoshi said but got cut off

"Not a word" Woozi said putting his headphones on and just close his eyes.

Meanwhile, Haeri was getting close to her parents house.

"You know I can take them" Haeri said

"No, I want to be the one giving them to your mom. I miss her" he smiled " oh I should've had bought something to your grandma"

"Aish are you trying to impress them?"

"I am... thank you for letting me met them" he said nervously

"Even if we're not still normal, I can't stop you for meeting my parents. I know they both love you" she said

"Did they met -"

"No. They didn't. Thankfully or I would need to explain that we're not longer together.... Only my grandma knows about him"

"Does he likes him?"

"She never met him but she did told me to fight for him" Haeri said while knocking at the door

After they left her house, Wonshik told he would walk her to Bitna house. Haeri told he didn't need to but he did it anyway.

Haeri put the code on the door and laughed so hard when she saw Hoshi with his hand stretch out while Bitna was painting his nails.

"What he's doing here?" Wonshik asked but Bitna just stood up and pushed him out

"Thank you for bringing her, your services are no longer needed"

"Save me" Hoshi said to Haeri

"What are you doing here?" She asked him sitting next to him

"We finish filming and Bitna texted me asking if I wanna hang out with you two"

"And she decided to paint your nails?" She laughed again " at least she draw a tiger"

"I'm an artist" Bitna winked at him while taking his other hand " you'll like it tiger"

"I think he didn't like to see me here" he said looking at both girls

"He's just jealous" they both answer

"Of who?"



"Ok" Hoshi laughed "he really messed up....."

"He's trying to make things right, although I fell this few days he's been texting me more frequently"

"Of course, he sense killer is gone" Bitna rolled her eyes "you're friend is a jackass"

"He's a mess if that helps" Hoshi said

"It does" Bitna answer before Haeri could speak

The three of them stay there for late at night, Haeri was worried someone might see him leaving.

"Hoshi isn't better if you sleep here too? I'm scared someone of her neighbors sees you leaving"

"Leaving in the morning isn't worse?"

"Maybe" Haeri chuckled

"She's right, you can sleep here. Haeri will sleep with me and you got the whole couch for you. It's 2 am, it's late for you to go home"

"Wow what did I deserve to have two pretty ladies worry about my safety" he said " let me call Scoups"

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