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Jihoon 🍜 💕

Jihoon 🍜 💕

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My cutie 🥰

Where are you?

Going to the hospital

Just woke up
Is wonshik ok?

He's better
The doctor called him telling she was out of the surgery

That's good
When will you be back?

I hope after tomorrow
I gave you number to Bitna if something happened
She's worried sick

Does she likes him?


Go Bitna!

She's having a hard time

Because he likes you
It sucks but she can change that

I hope so
They do fit each other

He better keep his hands to himself



His mom is in the hospital

Boys will be boys

Idiots creatures

Starting with Jun

He didn't mean it

And it was for the best
I want to make it special

I can't wait

"Woozi?" Wonshik asked her as he glanced at her phone

"Yeah, he asked how you were"

"Hmm that's nice... I guess"

"He's not a bad person" Haeri said

"He might not be but I'm still...." He looked at her " trying to deal with all of this. I'm not ok Haeri" he gripped the stearing wheel "I kissed Bitna yesterday. I like you and I fucking kissed her. I'm an idiot"

"So why did you kissed her?"

"She came to me after I called her and she made me feel things.... I looked at her and had an urge to kiss her. I did I feel horrible about it"

"Why? She's good for you"

"Because I'm not over you! I have ignored you but the moment the hospital called me YOU were the first person on my mind. And now I hurt Bitna. I'm a selfish idiot"

"Let's focus on your mom and then we worry about this"

"Why don't you like me?! It would be easier" he murmured

At the hospital, the doctor said his mom was out of danger. Wonshik was sitting next to her as Haeri was preparing a cloth to give her a bath

"You don't have to do that" Wonshik said

"Your mom cared for me like I was her daughter, it's the least I can do. You can eat something"

He nodded and got up, looking at her he hugged her "thank you for being here" he said. Haeri patted his hand and took the cloth, what she didn't expect was Wonshik pulling her in and kissed her.

Haeri slapped him right on the spot leaving him with a red mark on his cheek

"I'm sorry -"

"You have a really bad habit of kissing people" she said trough her gritted teeth " leave now"

"Haeri, I'm so so-"

"I'm leaving after this. I can't be here with you... I'll give you the fucking space to move on. I don't wanna lose my friend but I don't want this"

She was fighting her tears away when Woozi called her

"Babe save me" he said "talk to them"

She giggled trying not to show them what she was feeling.

"What they did to you?"

"They're nagging me for you to come back to drink with them"

"I want my dance instructor" Seungkwan said

"I'll back tomorrow, ok?" She said

"Ok, you heard her now go away" Woozi said " thanks. Are you ok? Your voice sound odd"

"Just tired...."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.... Can we speak tomorrow? I just want to go to the hotel and sleep before leaving"

The door opened by the nurse who brought medicine for the patient.

Haeri left the room and Wonshik was there waiting for her

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't done that. I told you I was gonna forget but I can't. Everywhere I look I see you. The smell of tangerines reminds me of you. The sea reminds me of you. You and me! Everyone from school told we would be together but I was stupid because I did shit and when I have the courage you're with some guy."


"NO, it's supposed to be me and you! I can't forget you"

"Then forget our friendship. I'm going" Haeri said

"Haeri.... Tell me you didn't felt anything with the kiss"

"I felt I betrayed Hoon and I was force to it. And don't even think of going close to Bitna, I was wrong. She deserves better"


How are you?
And wonshik?

We need to talk

What happened?

I'll there in a few hours
I really need to talk to you

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