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Innedaeri 24h goes too fast 💕

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Innedaeri 24h goes too fast 💕

Bibi girl.... Make me proud 😉

"Can't believe this weekend is over" she said rolling over in bed as Woozi was brushing his teeth "when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow.... Will my girlfriend come with me to the airport?"

"Someone might see us" she said pouting

"I know babe, I was kidding" he leaned down and kissed her head "I love you"

"I think I will never be to tired of hearing you saying that" she smiled

"Get use to it" he winked at her

While he was putting their stuff on the car, Bitna called her.

"Hey" she said loudly "I'm so happy for you"

"Why?" Haeri asked

"Don't be dumb, I know for sure you and mister killer enjoyed your alone time"

"Hello Bitna" Woozi said kissing Haeri in the cheek after "everything is ready, I'll be waiting in the car"

"Ok, I'm in love with you two" Bitna said

"How's everything doing with you?"

"I actually wanted to speak with you.... My head is a mess"


"I don't know if he told you but we talked and I told him I never wanted to see him. And it's still the same but now I'm missing him....but I really don't wanna speak with him because he really fucked me up.... Not in a good way"

"Time will heal your heart just try to find out if he's the one healing it or the love for yourself"

"You went deep" Bitna said making Haeri smile

"I know and I mean it! Just think what you want you wanna do and I'll be there"

"Love you, drive carefully"

"Is she good?" Woozi asked her as she entered the car

"She's having some problems but she'll get there"

"Do you think my boy Hoshi has a chance?"

"I don't know Hoon, I don't think is the best time. He can get his heart broken and I don't want that"

"He seems interested in her...."

"Let's give them space, if they need something we're here" Haeri smiled holding his hand

"It would be good if they got together.... They met because of us" he said

"Don't get your hopes up"

Woozi was on the plane while Haeri was working. This whole situation is new for her, she never had to deal with this and although is temporary they'll be 2 months apart, like a long distant relationship and she doesn't know if she's ready for that.

Jihoon 🍜 💕

I just landed

Everything went well?

Scoups snoring
So I didn't slept
So babe I'll probably hit bed when we arrived at the hotel

No problem
Call me when you wake up?

I miss you already

Miss you too ♥️

Haeri went to lunch with Bitna, a new place has just opened near their office and Bitna wanted to try.

They were enjoying their food and their girl time.

"I can't believe the boss did that! He's trying to take you away from me" Haeri said pouting

"Is a possibility, he just said the Boston office wanted to do an exchange and he thought of me"

"I don't want you to leave.... But you seem anxious"

"Honestly.... I don't wanna leave you babes but I think it would be good for me. Time away from here and Wonshik"

"When do you know?"

"3 months.... They want to make sure everything is ok, and to find to perfect person"

"You're the best I know, you'll get the spot" Haeri smiled

As they were eating, some girl behind them started talking about seventeen. Almost making Haeri choke.

"They looked so fine at the airport"

"Have you seen the latest news?"


"There's a rumor that they're dating" that sentence really made Haeri choke on her water.

Bitna laughed and gave her a napkin "text killer, don't freak out yet"

Everyone loves 🦖

What rumor is going around?

That one of us is dating


The footage from Jeju....
Some carats noticed glimpses of Haeri and are saying she's a girlfriend

They're not wrong but I thought it didn't show Haeri face

And it doesn't
But they're probably assuming

I talked to our manager
They'll just say you're apart of the staff

It seems plausible

Are you sure?
I don't wanna cause any problems

How did you find out?

Some girl at lunch were talking about it
I kinda freak out

Everything is ok babe

Just ignored them

It's kinda hard
The rumor is everywhere right now
How do you deal with this.....


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