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Name: Victoria Polaris Black Potter

Nicknames: Vi, Victory, Tori, Ari

Age: 18

Occupation: Healer ( she passed her exams at the age of 16)

Masters: Runes, DADA, DA, Transformation, Potions Astronomy, Charms


Dad: James Potter ( deceased)

Mom: Lily Potter nee Evans ( deceased)

Godfather/Blood adopted dad : Sirius Black

God sibling: Neville Longbotton

Godmother : Alice Longbotton

Status: Purebloods


Lady: Ravenclaw

Potter ( from the Father side )

Gryffindor ( from the Father side )

Peverell ( from the Father side )

Slytherin ( from Mother side )

Ravenclaw ( from Mother side )

Pendragon ( from Mother side )

Le Fey ( from Mother side )

Emrys ( from Mother side )

Black ( frome Godfather side )

Character: kind, hard-working, honest, fair, honest, hard-working, calm, clever, brave, loyal cunning, witty, responsible, understanding, patient, modest

Likes: traveling, write, sing, dancing, painting, cook, bake, friends and family

Dislikes: spoiled people, not patient people, bossy people, being told what to do, being helpless, rude people, nosy people, Dumbledore, Ron, Molly, Hermiona, Ginny

Magical skills: Wandless and wordless magic, , Beast talk,  All spek, Natural Legilimency, Natural Occlumens

Powers:  Heal, Shape shifting ( magical, non-magical, ancient animals ), Siren's voice, Aura reading,  Warpon summon, Telepaty, elemental control

Her Eyes when angry or you to much magic:

Her Eyes when angry or you to much magic:

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