Part Ten

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At the same time

Sirius's POV

I watched as Tori run out of the room after her familiars and I knew that if anyone was going to catch this person, it would be them. 

I saw how several dwarves and elves wanted to help

" I'll leave it to Victoria, Lunar, Akira and Hades. They will be able to catch this person as soon as possible " said Remus

" I advise you to think about the punishment for this person, Your Majesty " I said

" WHAT!? " Ronald shouted 

" You may come from our world but this person tried to kill a child from this royal family. Their fate rests in the hands of King Thorin and his family " said Tom and I saw them paled dramatically

" That was a very stupid move on your sister's part " I said

" If she thinks  that she manages to escape far is a grave mistake. It doesn't matter whether she flies on a broom or using a spell. They'll catch her anyway " said Regulus

" But! " Granger began to protest

" But nothing " I interrupted her

" If she hadn't done what she did, she would have been punished with you " Tom said seriously and firmly. 

We saw that they wanted to add something when we heard a loud roar " Hades caught her " I said 

" What is the punishment for what they did in your world? " Prince Kili asked 

"Breaking their wands for sure and life imprisonment in Askaban or Dementor Kiss. ​​Life imprisonment in Askaban is the worst because Dementors will feast on your emotions for the rest of your days " Victoria replied, reappearing with Ginny tied up. 

King Thorin looked at her and then at Hades " Can your dragon get bigger? " asked the King

" Hades can get almost as tall as this mountain Your Majesty " she replied seriously

" Lunar and Akira can reach up to 10ft to 15ft ( approximately  3.05 to 4.6 meters) high " she added seeing the King paying attention to her wolves

" Has Hades ever been involved in an execution? " he asked

" If you want to know if we have ever sentenced anyone to death by dragon fire. The answer will be yes but we only did it three times when the crimes were really serious " Tom said

" We didn't do it in front of the audience either " Victoria added, standing next to Tauriel.

" The choice is yours " I said

'' Give us a moment to TAURIEL! " Wiktoria's scream interrupted him mid-sentence. 

Victoria caught her before she hit the floor and gently set her down. I saw how she quickly use her magic to see what was wrong. 

She opened her bag and took out several potions which she enchanted into Tauriel.  Victoria started to levitate Tauriel

" Where is her chamber?  " she asked the King

" What's wrong with her? " he asked

" She fainted because of fear and stress and one more thing I need to make sure of. If I'm right Ginevra would be responsible for the deaths of more than one  child from the royal family " she said seriously

" Follow me " said Prince Kili and they both moved quickly to Tauriel's chamber. 

I could see that the news of a possible pregnancy had others shocked.

" How could Victoria know that Tauriel might be pregnant? " asked King Tranduil

" Victoria's magic is truly powerful and beyond ordinary. Her magic allows her to scan the person she is healing, allowing her to  quick discovery of the reason for the bad wrll-being. Victotia must have sensed the presence of another being inside Tauriel and it doesn't matter if the child is a few days or weeks old. Victoria is really sensitive to such things " replied Regulus

" How old is she? " asked Saruman

" She is  22 years old but has been a trained Healer for 6 years now. She passed her exams without fail at the age of 16 where they are normally taken at the age of 24/26 " I replied proudly

" She has cared for and saved dozens of patients who were doomed to loss due to their serious injuries "  added Tom

" Just because she is interested in medicine doesn't mean she is helpless on the battlefield or in politics. She is the Lady of several powerful houses and when she starts talking about something, no one can find a reason or a way to oppose her " added Regulus 

" Let's not forget that she easily defeats her opponents no matter how big and strong they are in hand-to-hand combat, sword fighting, archery or magical dueling " Remus continued

" So yes, Victoria knows what she's doing and what she needs to do to best help Tauriel " I said and I saw that most of them were impressed. 

King Thorin cleared his throat " We will deal with the fate of the girl when we learn about Tauriel's condition. Guard, take care of those bound to dungeons where they will await their fate. Bring my guests to their chambers, our celebration will be moved to tomorrow " he said

" Victoria family, follow me to Tauriel and Kili chamber " he said firmly and we followed him. I hoped everything will be fine

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