Part Five

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A couple of months later

Victoria's POV

( Ignore the glasses )

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( Ignore the glasses )

It's been more than six months since Tauriel arrived in this world and blended into my crazy life. It took her about a month to feel comfortable and safe around me, Hades, Lunar and Akira. 

It took her the longest with Hades but understood her insecurities with dragons noting her past with Smaug. 

Four months ago I introduced Tauriel to my crazy family and I can say that Tauriel has been adopted by all of them.

Four months ago 

I finished doing Tauriel's hair and fastened the necklace around her neck 

'' You look beautiful Tauriel '' I said 

'' Thank you Vi '' she said quietly 

'' Hey is everything okay? You know you can tell me '' I said softly

 '' Is your family will like me. I don't want to give them first wrong impression of me '' she said 

'' Everything will be fine believe me. They understand that you may behave differently from us. My family will like you and they will definitely ask you a lot of questions. 

When you feel unwell don't be afraid to tell me. They will understand without a problem, I myself have felt overwhelmed from time to time when I am with them '' I said 

''Never change for someone if they don't accept you it's their loss. You are the best version when you don't try to pretend to be someone else '' I said seriously looking into her eyes 

'' Are you ready? '' I asked 

'' As good as I can '' she replied and we headed to the firep lace. It didn't take us long to reach Riddle Manor. I caught her before she fell over 

'' Don't worry I for 3 years fell over when I used the fire place '' I said and slowly led her to the family room. 

Sitting on the couches were  Papa Sirius, Regulus, Papa Remus, Severus, Tom, Narcisa, Lucius, Fred with Georg, Neville and Luna 

'' Tauriel I would like to introduce you to my parents and nablish friends. My fathers Sirius and Remus, my uncle Regulus, my aunt and uncle Narcisa and Lucius. 

Of course my family not by blood but by strong bond Severus, Tom, Fred, Georg, Neville and Luna '' I said helping her sit down on the couch. 

I sat down next to her '' Nice to meet you guys '' she said softly 

'' Don't worry we don't bite '' started Papa playfully and got a slap on the back of his head 

'' Ignore him, nice to meet you Tauriel '' said Papa calmly 

'' How are you feeling Tauriel? '' asked Narcisa 

'' Good, Tori potions help me when I feels unwell. I discovered which smells I react badly to so Victoria tries to avoid using them '' she said calmly. 

I could see the longer the conversation went on the calmer and more confident Tauriel became. As I warned her Tauriel they had lots of questions about Middle-earth and I could see that Tauriel would  talk for hours about her home. 

Of course they answered every question she had for them. At the end of the day I knew that Tauriel could feel that she was accepted by my family. 

I looked at the cauldron and smiled when the potion took on the answers of the color and consistency it needed to have. 

I had trouble finding the two ingredients I needed for the potion but I managed to finish it on the rest. I can now focus on helping Tauriel, she is 34 weeks pregnant and at any moment the baby could come into the world. 

For this she is on bed rest until she has the baby, we don't want anything to happen to her or the baby. Papa, Papa, Regulus, Severus, Tom and Narcisa are staying with us at Potter Manor. 

Narcisa and Severus to help Tauriel and me with the birth but Papa, Dad, Regulus and Tom are there to protect. 

We have a mole in the ranks and We know that because for a month and a half Dumbles and his Order have known about Tauriel. However, we quickly found the spy and I can say that he paid for spy on us.

He wanted to get acquainted with her but I immediately denied it and said that Tauriel is under my care and protection. They fortunately don't know where Manor is located so they can't appear here unannounced. 

My wards would sooner turn them into rabbits or seriously harm them than let them get close to the building. Tauriel knows this but isn't worried because she knows we won't let anything happen to her or her child.

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