Part two

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Some time later

Victoria's POV

I don't know how much time passed when I heard movements on the bed and knew that Tauriel would wake up in a short time. 

I stood in the corner of the room so that I wouldn't be the first thing she saw when she woke up and started to panic. I managed to get to the account when Tauriel sat up quickly on the bed 

'' Kili!!! '' she shouted and took a few deep breaths. She grabbed her head 

'' Where am I? '' she asked quietly 

'' You are in my house '' I replied catching her attention 

'' You were pulled through a portal to another world Tauriel. I know your name because I accidentally read your thoughts '' I said standing in a corner not far from the doorway. 

I looked at the chair asking if I could sit next to her Tauriel nodded. I approached slowly so as not to give her a any  reason to think that this was a ruse and would attack her. 

I sighed " Let me introduce myself my name is Victoria Potter Black and I am 18 years old. You can call me Vi or Tori if you like or call me by my first name. I am a witch but I have no ill intentions towards you. I will answer any question you have " I said 

" Can you tell me everything you know Vi? " she asked 

" This white ball is something really rare and not safe. It transports people to other worlds randomly. I know you are probably curious from how I know this and the answer is simple. The same thing happened to me more than four years ago and I barely made it home myself. 

Sending you back to Middle Earth will be more difficult but not impossible and it may take me a while to get there. In your condition it would be dangerous for the baby for you to travel " I said and she quickly breathed into her belly. 

I smiled gently at her " All is well with the little bean. When I brought you home I did some scans to see if all was well with you. I gave you some potions to help you and the bean " I replied

" How long will it take you to get ready to open the portal? " she asked curiously but I could see the relief in her eyes when I said that her baby was well. 

I thought a moment " The creation of the potion itself will take about 3 months, the collection of crystals and the right amount of energy about two. You will then be possibly more than 8 w months pregnant. It will be better if you return a month after giving birth " I said 

" I have a way to send a letter/message to your family to reassure them that all is well. It will probably be best to tell them about your pregnancy and that you are with me. This is how I keeps in touch with Gandalf " I replied seeing her concern. 

Kiru appeared with a letter and I suspected it was from dad " Thank you Kiru " I replied gently 

" WHAT WAS IT! " exclaimed Tauriel when Kiru disappeared 

" It was Kiru and he is a house elf. House elves serve old bloodlines like mine. They are treated well or badly and it depends on their owner. They must be attached to a witch or wizard if not they will slowly become depressed and die. 

My house elves have uniforms and although they don't want payment they have 10 yorobkwych and 15 days off for six months to use " I replied 

" They like to serve " she said not confidently 

" Yes " I replied and I could see her tiredness 

" Do you want something to go down or a drink before you get sleepy again? " I asked 

" Yes " she said And Kiki put a tray of sandwiches, fruit and tea on her laps 

" Thank you " she said And she started to eat. It didn't take her long to finish eating and lay down comfortably on the bed 

" Call Kiki or Kiru or me if you need anything " I said seriously and Tauriel nodded. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer and she fell asleep not long after laying down comfortably. 

I went quietly to my room to talk to the others through the two-sided mirror. They were shocked when I told them in detail what exactly had happened. 

They promised to keep their distance until Tauriel got used to her new surroundings. 

Tom suggested that we move to Potter Manor and I knew that was a good idea. No one but the Potter line knows the location of this building and it is protected by very powerful wards. 

I will broach the subject with Tauriel when she is feeling better and send her a letter to her family. 

I just have it on the go that we will be able to hide Tauriel effectively from others. The safety of her and her child are my priority right now. 

I still had about two maybe two and a half hours until dinner so I took the paperwork from my bank manager B.. I am a goblin friend so I can call some goblins nicknames if they like them and they are not offensive nicknames. 

I looked at the small pile of documents and I knew the sooner I finished them the more free time I would have.

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