𝟎𝟐𝟑. 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬

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𝖩𝖴𝖫𝖸 4, 2022

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𝖩𝖴𝖫𝖸 4, 2022

𝕿he night feels warm and ecstatic and with the fireworks painting the sky in their cheerful aura it feels like a new beginning. Something to hold on to, something to bathe your conscious in.

Something to watch with a beloved's arms enveloping you in a gentle embrace, your heart racing and eyes shining at the sight of the glittering atmosphere.

Something to smile about, something to toast to.

But the glazing in her eyes feels only too real as the sky continues being lit up by the beauty of the evening, her nails digging into her palms feels too close to reality whilst her heart crumbles from within.

A sharp pain settles deep within her core, a brutal wound only ever expanding as the bruises continue to skim over it.

She never expected her summer to go this way.

She expected it to be the best as it always is because she's with her friends, her best friend and everything feels just right.

Even the mosquito bites scattered all over her arms resemble something happy when she's at the lake house.

At her happy place.

Though, it all went southward as soon as a familiar blonde appeared by the middle Hughes brother's side when he showed up there a week ago.

It hurt her, sure but she expected to avoid it for as long as possible.

Only now she's left to stand there with the grass crunching beneath her slippered feet, the fireworks dancing across the sky, her best friend laughing with the others while she stands beside them, tears marking her eyelids and Jack stands with his arms around his new girlfriend, completely oblivious to her plight.

It's not fair to her.

So she does what she thinks she can do best.

She decides to drink the night away.

The bottles get a little blurry, the laughter a little loud and the pain a little numb as the hours go by but no one stops her for she declares it is in the name of "Freedom!" and chugs from every bottle she can get her hands on.

At one point, Luke places his hands on her shoulders and complains in his own slightly tipsy slur begging for her to go in and have a glass of water.

She refuses but he does not back down and so just to shut him up, she makes a show of walking back into the house to get some water.

June wanders into the kitchen — her brown hair treading down her shoulders, the strap of her tank top sticking to her skin due to the light sweat covering her body, the flip-flops on her feet pattering as she enters the kitchen with a lazy smile on her face.

She stops short the moment a pair of clearly intoxicated, hypnotic hazel brown eyes look up from near the sink.

His smiles at her, widely.

A bubbling takes space in her abdomen.

"Hi", he grins watching her equally drunken and slightly joyful form make her way over to him.

She tilts her head, biting down on her lip.


"Luke?", is all he has to say to convey that he has, in fact, also been forced into the house by her best friend because apparently Luke seems to be the only person with some common sense around.

Well, except Quinn but he's too busy letting lose the only time in the year he's figuratively allowed to.

She nods eagerly and Ethan passes her a glass of water before filling up a glass for himself.

They quickly gulp it down and go for a refill suddenly feeling the weight of all the heat they've lost in the past hour.

A few more glasses in and June finds herself staring at the brown-haired boy as he gulps down another glass, his bicep flexing under the thin white t-shirt he's wearing.

His chin remains tipped back until he firmly places the glass down and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, gaze now catching onto hers.

A smile tugs up his lips, her insides once again rioting.

"See something you like?", he teases raking a hand through his very, very soft looking hair.

June shrugs stepping closer, his eyes tracking her every moment.

"Maybe", she smiles lightly tapping over his fingers splayed out over the countertop.

"Oh, yeah? What is it?", he plays along taking a step forward.

Their chests brush, stare firmly attached together and June's heart skips a beat, living in this moment, forgetting for a second about why she decided to get drunk tonight.

A giggle escapes her mouth, a tiny smile to spread over his features at the sound.


"I want to say 'you' but that sounds too corny", she grins as if that is the most normal thing she's ever said.

"It'll be corny only if you walk away after saying it".

She looks at him, amused.

"What do you suggest I should do?".

He shrugs, still a little drunk.

"Kiss me".

Usually, June would think this through. She'd think about all the reasons why this is wrong and dumb and a stupid fucking idea in general but today is not that day.

So, without a word, she grabs the back of his neck and stands on her tiptoes happily pushing her lips against his.


𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇, jack hughes¹Where stories live. Discover now