𝟎𝟓𝟖. 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞

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𝕱litting around the room she used to often stay in when she visited her grandfather as a kid, June releases a sigh her fingers coming to rest atop the battered copy of Pride And Prejudice her ten year old self found amongst her mother's old thing...

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𝕱litting around the room she used to often stay in when she visited her grandfather as a kid, June releases a sigh her fingers coming to rest atop the battered copy of Pride And Prejudice her ten year old self found amongst her mother's old things in the garage and completely devoured the contents of within approximately two days.

She'd always leave the book behind, thinking of it as an occasional reread for the time she'd come over to stay with her Gramps.

Last time she stayed over was during Spring Break of her senior year at high school.

Luke had been busy with hockey, having received his acceptance letter from UMichigan and June who had been rejected by them — the only Michigan school she applied to — but accepted by Rutgers had, well, decided it was time for a slight change of scenery before she was supposed to fully throw herself into her finals prep.

It had been in this very room where she had attended a few late evening FaceTime calls with Jack and together the two of them had planned all that they would do once June got to New Jersey in August.

She had been excited. It was like things were finally coming together.

It was like fate really because how else could you explain her being accepted by the one school she'd been really interested in — not only was it out of state but also someone very special was there too — and have Jack there with her?

She had applied to a few more universities of course but her heart had been set on Rutgers.

She wanted to tell herself that it wasn't solely because of Jack, that she was actually pretty excited to finally be able to choose a place of her own choice and make a life there but the thing is a large part of her decision to even apply to a New Jersey college was Jack.

She had her backups obviously so it wasn't like she was stupidly depending on her heart to map out her future.

But in the end, despite getting accepted by two other out of state universities, June had chosen Rutgers.

So, yes it did feel like fate.

And now, here she is running from the very thing she has been chasing since the past eleven years.

It's awful, this feeling of instability battling inside her chest.

She didn't want to run, she wanted to stay and talk it out with Luke, help him see reason.

But Jack's words had ticked her off, brought her back to reality.

It's not a big deal.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇, jack hughes¹Where stories live. Discover now