𝟎𝟓𝟔. 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

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* important: this is part one of a double update, don't forget to read the next chapter as well!

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* important: this is part one of a double update, don't forget to read the next chapter as well!

𝕳appy and content while juggling the two containers full of muffins in her arms, June rings the doorbell and waits.

The door opens after half a second and Jim smiles raising his eyebrows in surprise at the sight of her.

"Come on in, hon", he steps aside letting her walk in with a grin as she turns to him.

"You here for Luke? Last I saw him, he said he was gonna go nap in his room".

"No, I'm here for Jack actually".

Jim blinks trying to rein in his amusement and nods, "He's in his room".

"Great. This is for you, by the way. You, Luke and Ellen".

He chuckles accepting one of the two containers, "Thank you. Wow. Ellen's going to love these, Luke too. Wait, these are . . . .?".

"Blueberry Cream".

"Right", he nods then glances at the other container still in her hands, "And that's for . . . ", he knows who it is for but somehow, making her admit it seems like a better, more amusing option.


"All for him?".

"Yeah, well. It's his favourite so", she shrugs.

Jim nods, barely containing his smile and gestures for her to head upstairs, "Don't let me keep you then".

The first time Jack tasted Blueberry Cream muffins made by June was when, back during June's Sophomore Year at high school, he went over to get Luke for their daily practice at the rink and ended up tasting the muffins June had been baking for the Annual Bake Sale while Luke sat by finishing his homework.

He'd loved them immediately and proceeded to buy at least a third of the muffins that went up for sale the very next day.

Ever since then, whenever in the mood for baking and doing something to make him happy, June started baking those muffins always setting aside a specific amount just for him.

Today, she woke up with the sudden urge to bake but also see that favourite smile of hers as soon as possible and so, she got to work baking.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇, jack hughes¹Where stories live. Discover now