𝟎𝟒𝟕. 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧

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𝕿he moment the door opens and the familiar - too familiar at this point, he feels like he's memorised every curve of her smile, every spec of colour in her eyes, every dip of her body - brunette shuts the door behind her, turning the lock then fi...

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𝕿he moment the door opens and the familiar - too familiar at this point, he feels like he's memorised every curve of her smile, every spec of colour in her eyes, every dip of her body - brunette shuts the door behind her, turning the lock then finally looking up at Jack staring expectantly from his place at the end of the bed.

A smile flickers across her lips as she makes her way to him, quietly stepping over to stand in between his legs and he gazes up hands fitting perfectly in the curve of her waist.

"Hi", she grins, moving to place her knees beside his hips so that she's straddling him.

He takes in her relaxed, happy expression and his heart stops beating for a second.

She's not real at all.

Gripping his shoulders, she leans forward brushing her nose against his, smile widening when she hears him suck in a breath.

"Won't say hi back?", her breath hits his face and god he could stay here forever.

"Hi", he finally speaks, squeezing her hips.

She leans in, connecting their lips and staying still for a moment before opening her mouth and taking his bottom lip between her teeth.

He kisses her back, pulling her close and the addiction, the serotonin of the moment is so beautifully high that he feels time stop.

Just them, there on the edge of the bed, kissing each other as if nothing in the world could be better.

She threads her fingers through his hair, urgently pushing her lips against his and forcing him to fall back on the end.

His hands slip beneath her shirt, exploring the softness of her skin whilst their lips continue working together, her hips now slowly grinding down on his.

He moans quietly into her mouth and she takes that as her cue to fasten her movements.

Only, he refuses to let her stay in control.

So he flips them, until she's the one lying on her back.


He pulls back slightly to look at her furrowed brows and pouted lips.

"Yeah, baby?", the ghost of a smile tickles his mouth.

She stills underneath him, gaze flittering between his amused stare waiting for her reaction.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇, jack hughes¹Where stories live. Discover now