𝟎𝟔𝟓. 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚

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𝖬𝗂𝖽-𝖥𝖾𝖻𝗋𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗒 2019

𝕬s Jack pulls up to the curb of the high school parking lot, his eyebrows knit in confusion with the way the entirety of the parking lot seems deserted except for the crowd of cars occupying every available space. 

Bright lights emanate from the high gymnasium windows, the soft boom of the music filtering out into the darkened evening, a chill flickering through the outside air with the February cold.

He leans over the steering wheel to locate the magenta of her dress — when she, June, called and asked if he could possibly pick her up from the father-daughter dance she had so excitedly been preparing for since two months, he knew something was seriously wrong and said that yes, he would love to drive her home in the middle of the event but what exactly caused such a specific request when she could've called her mother instead?

He never showed up, she'd muttered into the phone as if admitting the words out loud somehow made a dent in her character and immediately, Jack had been filled with a hot rush of hatred.

But he'd simply complied and driven here only to now squint into the sparse illumination of the parking lot — really, someone could throw a dead body in a corner here and they wouldn't discover it till the next morning — as he catches sight of a black coated figure shuffling around suspiciously near a herd of parked cars, the hem of a magenta coloured dress peeking out from under the coat.

He sighs, ready to go figure out why she's acting like an overdressed car robber, and exits his dad's car.

With quite conspicuous steps, Jack approaches her crouched form with his hands deep in the pocket of his coat and his eyes amusingly assessing the way she's balancing herself on the ground in her heels, leaning closer to the side of the car to . . . . read the number plate?

"Next time you decide to commit a crime, maybe dress in less colourful clothes. You look like half a highlighter jumping around the lot"

She startles, a small shriek leaving her mouth as her head turns quickly with a widened gaze then visibly relaxes when she realises it's just him.

"Why the hell would you sneak up on me in a dark parking lot? With no one around? I almost fell over in these heels", June huffs, straightening up to her full height and huddling her arms around herself just as a cool breeze brushes past, ruffling her hair.

Jack raises a brow, "Me? I'm the weird one here? You're the one trying to steal a car".

"I'm not gonna steal a car, Jesus".

"Then what are you doing?".

"Looking for Kathy Tanner's car".

Jack blinks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇, jack hughes¹Where stories live. Discover now