Chapter 8: Getting Ready to Leave Earth-X3

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The team gathered around the table and Oliver said, "Now, you referenced 100 guards. I assume most of them are around the perimeter?"

Leo says "Correct."

Oliver says "All right. We fight through them outside. We access the main corridor. What is security like inside the hanger?"

Barry says "I'll do some recon."

Then he speeds out of there and then within seconds comes back and says "So the entire facility has meta-human dampeners."

Jax says "Okay, we can't take that hanger with no powers, man."

Stein says "These satellites indicate a control room off the hanger. That must be where the dampener is."

Jax says "Okay, well, we definitely can't take the main control room with no powers. It's not like we blend in here."

Oliver exhales at thinking of something and he moves a chest piece in and says "I think I know how to get in."

Later at the control room

Leo was driving a black car.

Oliver was in the back.

Leo stops at the gate.

The guard says "Your papers, Sturmmann."

Leo says "We don't have papers. This is a special visit."

The guard says "Your papers. Now." Then he aims the gun at Leo.

Leo says "Suit yourself, but, uh, I think you better talk to our boss."

The back window rolls down and Oliver is seen by the Guard.

Oliver says "As you were."

The guard says "Mein Gott. My apologies, sir. Let them through!"

Then another voice says "Let them through!"

The guard that talks to Leo says "Thank you, Mein Fuehrer."

And they drive in.

In the building

Oliver walks in and is greeted by everyone "Hail, Fuehrer." And doing the Nazi one hand up.

Oliver does it too and puts it down.

Everyone else does too.

Then Lance-X3 comes out and clears his throat and says "Mein Fuehrer, we were-- we were not expecting you."

Oliver says "Nor was I anticipating being back so soon. Thanks to your incompetence, the Earth-70 doppelgangers... My doppelganger... Escaped his execution."

Lance-X3 says "Yes, he did."

Oliver asks "And?"

Lance-X3 says "We are exhausting every possible means to locate them."

Oliver says "Good."

Lance-X3 asks "Would you like us to delay deployment until we do so?"

Oliver says "Deployment?"

Lance-X3 says "She is inbound and ready."

Oliver looks out the window to see a Nazi Waverider and says "The doomsday device."

Lance-X3 says "The Wellenreiter is fully operational and at the ready, meni Fuehrer. Shall we send her through?"

Oliver says "As scheduled."

Lance-X3 yells "Begin!"

Then a portal opened in the scan after the beacon went away and Lance-X3 said, "The Wellenreiter is on its way. Hail, victory!"

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