Chapter 9: Leaving Earth-X3

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Arrow is with Leo and hears Jax over comms "Grey's hit! We got to get him out of there!"

Arrow was looking out to see everything.

Sara says over comms "Where's Barry when you need him?"

Flash says over comms "Just tying up some loose ends."

Ray says over comms "He's almost at the breach hanger."

Flash says over comms "If we don't stop him, he's gonna blow up our only ticket home."

Sara says over comms "Not to mention us."

Arrow says "A little help with that, please."

Then Arrow saw Leo walk to the other side and fire his cold gun at the heavy gun freezing it.

Arrow asks "Why is Stein down?"

Jax says over comms "He was making sure the systems were fully operational and I was making sure the power was on."

Arrow says "Understood."

Jax then was heard yelling "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Grey! Stay down! Grey! No!"

Then everyone saw Stein be shot once and pull the lever down to activate it, Arrow thought 'I guess, me turning it on did nothing in the control room'.

Jax is heard yelling "Grey!"

Then a guard yells "Fall back! Fall back!"

Then the gateway opens disintegrating everyone in the circle opening a portal.

Alex says "He did it. He opened the breach."

Sara says "Let's go."

Everyone gathers over to Stein and hears Jax say "Hey."

Oliver says "Barry, the breach is open. Where are you?"

Barry says "We got to take him out now."

Lucifer says "Son, we need you to hurry up."

Sara says "Stein is hurt."

Barry says "All right, we're on the move."

Alex says "He's alive, but his condition is critical."

Sara says "All right, Gideon will fix him."

Alex says "No, it's too dangerous to move him."

Sara says "Not if he's Firestorm."

She looks at Jax and he nods.

Jax says "Yeah. Grey! Grey. Grey, come on."

He touches Jax's hand and they fuse together.

Oliver says "Thanks for your help."

Leo says "We're not done helping yet. Our enemies are still on your Earth, Ollie."

Oliver says "Don't call me that, only my family calls me that."

Leo says "Give it time, I'll get through that crusty exterior."

Sara says "No, you really won't."

Leo says "I was talking to you."

Then the team walks through the portal.

At STAR Labs

The team walks through and Leo says "So this is Earth-70? Cute."

Alex says "We need to find Kara."

Oliver says "Then we need to split up."


After splitting up Arrow grabbed Kara-X3 and walked into the breach room and heard "As final words go, those weren't bad."

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