Kill code part 2| All is gone

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(Rev pov)
I was in a match alone. I know it's a team game but my team mates are already dead... by me.
It's quite crowded a lot of things are happening around me.
I see an octane running towards me, ahhh a perfect opportunity for a kill.
I take him in choke hold and kill him off, throwing my orb at the other enemy and killing him from behind.
I needed high ground so I climbed up to a wall thinking no one was there, to my surprise there was someone sniping on the roof.
As stealthy as I am, I crawl up to them and kill them off from the building.
"Death becomes me haha..."
I was being aimed at, without hesitation I wanted to push forward I summoned my totem.
"What the hell...?"
The totem didn't show up... it went away. How? How is this even possible, that has never happened before!
I couldn't do anything and a horizon killed me.
I don't where I was but I was teleported.
I saw...girly. She picked me up in her hand.
What am I... where am I, everything is out of place.
"Oh, I can help, but why the secrecy?" I heard a familiar voice say.
"They've got enough on their hands with Duardo. This will only complicate things." I heard Loba say.
She opens her hand and I see a computer screen. Looks like she's talking to Crypto...
"Demonio's eye. He's involved somehow and I won't get anyone else getting hurt."
I'm.. an eye? How am I an eye ball... where did that come from, w- what is she talking about.

Crypto went took a good closer look. "Can u do your "thing" with it?" He looks confused at her.
"My "thing?" An oversimplification, but gurae (sure). It shouldn't be hard."
All I could do is watch and hope for some answers. As he puts something in my eye. I could see my past and what I've done.
The memories... the screams of her... and her getting "revenge" on me
I remember her words and gestures. "You're not dying today. You're not dying ever" she said as she pushed me down and hited me with her staff.

Ugh and then that dam birdie of hers... "If you could quit playing your stupid games with Loba and leave her alone, I can make it happen."
I could feel some things changing inside of me...
"Knock knock!" Maddie came in with the others of the group.
"I just finished decrypting the drive, but the information is incomplete."
Crypto says while he turns his chair to the group.
"Sorry about that, we had to jet before we could pull the whole file. Can't remember why." Lifeline said while looking angry at Maggie.
Cleary their 'mission' or whatever went wrong.
"Fancy meeting you here!" Valk says while making her way to Loba.
Just as she was about to say something else my vision gets snapped back to a body.
Mid fight... what?
I'm confused and I try to use my totem again. I kept glitching, and I kept dying no matter where I am or what body I got send in. It kept failing...
"What's happening?" I say to myself. Sobbing my hands into my face I get send back to my eye in the room with Loba and the others.
This is all so confusing...
"It's the code for a safety protocol. Hammond." The group gather around Crypto as he starts investigating.
"They use transporters that move important assets."
"Hammond? Our tip was that Duardo was on Salvo..." Lifeline says surprised.
"Maybe their chasing the same thing. Mangy dogs..." Maggie says while Valk looks at me weirdly.
Loba picked me up and putted me on a higher place, it was like she knew I was watching... but that's impossible. I think she wants me away from Valk.

V- "What asset is so important that Duardo and Hammond are playing hot-potato with it across the Outlands?"
Life- "Maybe "the asset" is..."
"The head.." Loba said while thinking.
"I know what that place was, a Revenant factory with no Revenants." She said while her face changes to a little regret or sadness.
"So the asset... oh shi-" I heard Valk say before I glitch again.
My body glitching hardly again.
"Why can't i..."
I teleport back to my eye. They were arguing.
"I don't know how. It was gone. I made sure!" Loba said nervously.
"Apparently not sure enough, cuz." Maggie
I kept glitching from my eye to a body.
Finally I saw a clear sight and I felt my own body for a moment.
No... no no... I was in a lab or a factory. No not again! I was strapped in metal. I could barely move.
Looking around me, I see other Revenant bodies beside me and lab people.
One getting my attention putting my head on a display...MY HEAD!? I... I need it.. I want it... and I'll kill if I have to...
I try to escape... I could still hear them talk in the main time.
"If Duardo had the head, could he control Revenant?" Lifeline asked.
"You don't want your own personal murder-bot? I wouldn't mind having one myself." Mags said
As I regain my strength I managed to get 1 hand free out of the locks.
I free myself quickly and charge in the guards and kill my way through.
I was aggressive... but I like it that way.
As I run up to my head I wanted to grab it but it disappeared in my grasp.
I was furious! It's like I couldn't control my anger. I just killed everyone I saw.
"I... can't ... control!" I felt a change in me... like I was different.
I had enough of their games! I'm going to them myself.
Locating it, I crawl in the vents as I watch them leave Crypto with my eye.
I quietly crawl in from behind and I take him in a choke hold aggressively.
I couldn't help myself, my madness... the fire... I want to rip out his heart if I could!

"*breathes heavy* WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?"

"*breathes heavy* WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?"

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