I'm in love

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(Mirage POV)
It had only been a few hours... I haven't slept at all since the party ended, everyone had left early... But I couldn't stop thinking about... Revenant??? nah nah nah.... NAH NAH NAH, this must be a mistake, I don't understand anything... I smile every time I say his name... I-I... I-Am I blushing?? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?? I need to call Rammya, I'm sure she knows how to give me her... Nice advices, yes, I'm sure she knows..
I make the call and wait for her to answer.
Ram: I hear the phone ring, I lay down my stuff and see Witt is calling me. "Hiyaa Witt! Whatssup?"
M:"Hhhheeeeeeyyyyyyy, how u dooooiinggggggggggg my fav girlllllllll hehhhhhhhhh?"
R: "Doing good, just mak'n stuff as always *pops bubble gum* What about you mate?"
M:"DO... ah .. Do youuuu......... Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...., DO you have free time or... ah... soan-sam-some.... Ahhh, shit!! HAHA..."
I'm starting to freak out, I don't know how am u supposed to say this... Meanwhile I'm talking to her I take a pillow with my face on it and hug it try to search comfort on it.
R: I don't know what's going on but he sounds really nervous. It has been a while since he has been like that. "Uhmm alright mate. I can come over now if u want."
M: "I..... S-sure, yehhhh, that... that could be greatttt...... GREATTTTTTT"
I see all the place being so messy, hows my face? Do i have baggy eyes?? Is my hair okay???
R: "Also, no need to clean up ur place, u know mine's worst. I'll see u soon Witt!" *ends call*

Annnndddddd she knows, well, it's obvious that she's going to know... But what am I thinking, I still have what happened last night in a loop... His look... It was different, why did he behave like that with me? I-I-I'm sure he's playing with me, yes, hahaha, how stupid I am'
"YEAHH, playing sureee, or maybe you like each otheeeeerrrr, huuuuhhhh??"
Says a Decoy that just appeared, I just scream over that, I couldn't even hear that thing, nah nah nah, I'm going crazy!
The doorbell rang, I guess Ramya is here.
I scream as it came out of nowhere and scared me. I run to the door and open it up.
M: "heyyyyyyyyy...." I said smiling weirdly
She looked at me with a slight smirk, it's like she knows... she-she-she wouldn't right???
R: "Alright, what's wrong?" I said as I look around the place.
M: " I ah... its kinda.... C-com-canmplat-com... Its weird, it just weird, haha.... W-why that.... Smirk....??? Hahah..."
I said more nervously, did she watched what happend??? Haha... Haha...hahahaha...
R: "Chill out mate." I Said giving him a pat on his shoulder. "This behaviour I've seen before...*slight smile*
M: "Haaahaaaaaaa... How funny you areeeee"
"He likes Revenant!" a Decoy said
"NO!!! DONT LISTENT TO HIM, THATS NOT GOOD, SHUT UP!!????" I start to put my hand on decoy's mouth.
R: I smirk and smiled at him but then my smile dropped... "You don't say...? Revenant!? The murder bot? How-? *nervous laugh*
I couldnt stop blushing everytime i talk, please, i dont want this!!!
She sits down in my couch listening to me.
I sit next to her trying to stop blushing and shaking, I laugh nervously and I start to talk with her about what happend, I can feel that she's going to punch me.... I ... I can feel it, haha... haha... Every time I tell her something her face was changing, HELP
"so.... t-thats wh..what happend..?? haha... ah.... and... i... ah... I can't sleep cuss i can't stop... THINKING ABOUT HIM, YES I MAYBE LIKE HIM... AND IM SCARED"

R: When he finished his explanation I slightly dreamed off about what happened with me and Revenant. I don't want him to get hurt or possible killed... it's a risk with that murder bot...
I ignore my thoughts and smile softly to him "So...you have feelings for him? But he's with Loba and as far as I can see, she still loves him even after all the changes." I don't want to make him bad but... it's true.

M: " i... i know, i mean...pfff i wont tell him?? JAJAJAJ... you want me dead?? Hajaj?... jaja... Specially for Loba, that girl its gonna dig my grave.... Nah nah nah nah"
Why am i nervous, help???????
R: "Haha! Yeah...well. I'm glad u have an eye for someone to be honest." I look at the ceiling thinking of what to say. "U can try ur best, hang out with him ore things u know?" *wink wink*
M:" B-but... I don't think he would like that??? HE HATES ME, he wants to eat me... And Loba its gonna have an eye on him like if it's her dog.... But... W-why he d-...do that if he... you know, her, him, aha... why me ... I DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING.... May-maybe im iv-ove,...ove....... overreacting yeah, that... Am i?"
R: I put my hands on his shoulders and look at him in the eyes. "You're in love, it's normal! Ur not overreacting alright mate? If u want to hang out with him, do it! U never know he might say yes! Comon Witt! *slight punch*
M: "I-i mean... I'm irresistible and handsome of course anyone would say yes to a figure like me.... *wink* b-but... Right now I'm scared----??????"
I just start doing weird things with my eyebrows
R: "I know, it's a scary killer robot who could choke u at any moment HAHA! Totalllyy not talking of experience! *lil crazy laugh*
M:"I knowww... i know.... But i really dont know what do to, you sure if good to... you know.... hang out with him....?????"
R:"Yeah Witt! You should shoot ur shot man! Hey and if it doesn't turn out well *Takes Sheila (her minigun)* I got ur back! *wink* BUT-! For now...*puts Sheila away* You should do ur thing mate!"
M:"Yehhh, i know Sheila loves to protect me too... How cute she is *wink To sheila* B-ut.... yehh... i.. should call him??? Ahm... Ahhhh, is he.... i i-i dont know maybe he is doing something"
She looked at me seriously and stands. She takes my phone... oh-oh...
M:"W-w-what are you doing? HEY!?"
R:"I'm helping."
I just blush hard looking at her.
R: I look surprised that he has his number, I turn the screen to him while smirking slightly.
"Just tell him what u want, don't be afraid. I'm right here. Hehe." I tease him a bit
M: A decoy appear and push me to take the phone
I blush again and take the phone start to calling him hiding my face with my other hand
"For this the next day of work you clean the floor"
R:"WHA-?" I punch him softly
"Put the phone on speaker" I crossed my arms while leaning against the wall waiting for the call to be picked up
M: "SUUuuure" I do what she demands and I just wait nervously.... please pick it up... please......
(Revs pov)
I was taking care of my business... Thoughts that kept coming to my mind, I kept trying to remember things, until the vibration of my phone made me end up paying more attention to it... It was Mirage, that skinbag, what he wants. .. Why are you calling me... GRRRRR, this strange feeling again, what happens to me
I said seriously, but just a silence appear
".... Hello???" I repeat myself, why am I repeating myself, UGGHH
'Miraageeeee speak....' I think to myself while I still wait in silence.
M: " I ah... Yehhhh helloooooo jajaja how long we don't spppeakkkkk huhhhhhh???? Huhh??"
What I AM DOING PLEASE HE IS GONNA END THE CALL, even my decoy its gonna kill me please don't look at me like that!
Rev:"Hmmm since yesterday's party... Witt~" I say his name loudly and slow...
M: "Y-y-yehh... aha.hahahaha...."
WHY HE SAY MY NAME LIKE THAT, I'm sweaty already... please what is happening my head its burning "Well ah... ah... ah... I was... t-gh-th-thnking of.... you know... Hanging... Out????? I-IF YOU HAVE TIME... right, jaja....jajaj.... ja.... ah... yeah, that"
Rev: "Hmmmmm...." I hummed long thinking. well...I guess I could know the skinbag a little better... hmgg "Sssssuuuureeee....where and when...?" I notice my face slightly heating up... what the---
M: DID HE... WH- I... AHHH..
"it... it could... be this night??? We can walk a bit and... a.... u can... come to my appartment and i.. i can.....prepare something for...dinner????? If... thats ok with you sure, we can go to a restaurant i-if thats more.... you know, comfy for youuuu my huge killer friend.... Eh! Forget that i said that i dont know why i said that----" i face palm myself
I see Ramya looking at me proudly.
R: "Mmm..." I look around if Loba is near, I see no sign of her... I guess she wouldn't mind right? Oh whatever I deserve to have fun with others... "Ur uhm..." I'm a little nervous URGH WHY WHY WHY STOP IT! "Just at ur apartment is fine...I don't want to... u know." I say softly.
M: " OH! i mean, oh, sure... Im sorry if i scared you screaming.. jajajaj, im just... excited jajajaja....ja... soooo, okay.... sooo.... yeah, ahmmmm.... At 19 on my bar??? I finish today at that hour..."
I look at rampart and I said with my lips and a Lil whispering that i need to look for my special perfume cuss i lost it and this its special a- and very IMPORTANT DAY
She nods and searches the house for my perfume while I send some decoys to help her.
Rev: "Hmm sure-"
Loba on the background: "Hun? Are you okay?"
Rev: I cover the phone a little "Uh yeah just have an important call, can I have a minute?"
L: "Sure."
Rev: "Sorry about that, uhm... sure I can be there. Anything else... skinsuit?"
M: " ah..... nooooo????? T-thats.... all, jajajajaj dont worry, ill... see you there then... i lo- VAAHAIAAA YEH SEE YOU THERE" i panic and i just end the call looking that all my decoys where looking at me and they all yell 'I LOVE YOU'
"SHUT UP NOOO I DIDNT MEANT TO SAY THAT SHHHHHHHUU" i just check again if i really end up the call and yes, pfff.....
(Mirage pov)
Ramya comes back with the perfume.
R: "Got it! Ey congrats! See he's not so bad ey?
M: "i-I know.. i even surprise... It's weird, also... I don't think he will stay so... You don't have to worry about anything, yeh?? " I said nervous

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