The Party

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I make myself ready wearing an red dress for tonight and I do my hair in a little bun.
Revenant is wearing his iconic suit from our date. I wear the red crystal necklace he gave me that night. It goes perfectly with my fit.
I walk out the room and stare at him slightly blushing.
L:"It's getting used to, but I like it."
R:"Hm, I know. Don't I look handsome Lobaaaa~?" He teased while striking a pose.
L:"Oh please. *covers face* Rev stop haha!"
He takes my arm and we went to the place of the party.
I see Mirage in a distance, I softly let Rev his arm go and went up to him.

Mirage welcomes me in with a hug. Before he lets go I still hold him to say something in his ear.
"Whatever u do, do not freak out with Revenant, he got a new look and basically... everything is new."
I was worried he might make Revenant insane again and I would watch him get choked... no I don't want to think of it.
M: "Oh common it can't be that bad. R-right? *Nervous laugh*
I move out the way and keep my focus on Mirage while Rev shows up.
M: OH-! Oh... wow eh uhm..."
He's not sure how to react and is nervously fiddling his fingers.
M: *gulp* "Revenant look at you! He...he... welcome to the party!"
R: "Hrr... I'm only here for a few minutes, I'm sick of your parties."
I roll my eyes and take his arm as we went inside.
He slightly looks at me.
R: "To the bar?" I nod while I look around at the people staring at him.
R:"Don't get drunk though! I'm not carrying you again." *comes closer* "If I see u with one of those skinbags...well...u'll see." He jumps away and watches from a distance.
I have to look out with who I talk to.
I take a sip from my drink as I notice Mirage is singingly coming towards me and slides right next to me.
M:"Hey champ. What's with the new look?"
I take a sip from my drink and smiled friendly to him while I turn my chair to him.
L:"Someone has his head and made him a rework. Most of his memories gone... or hard to remember, his abilities are different and well yeah... like I said. All is new."
I shrugged and turned my chair to the front of the table again.
I couldn't help but notice he had an nice suit on. I guess it suits him 😉haha...yeah.
L:"You look good."
M:"O-oh-oh! Really!? *gasp* I'm so honoured."
As I watch them both talk I could feel something... jealousy? I still need to know more of what happened when I was gone in that vacation... They got closer then before. It's good but...hmm I don't trust it.
I drop down and stand tall in front of him.
M:"I DIDN'T TOUCH HER I SWEAR, PLEASE! *goes on hands and knees to beg* PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"
L: "Ugh so dramatic..."
M:"LOBA!?" He said hight pitched while still on the ground.
R: "Look at me... you and me have to talk."
He slowly looks up and blushes slightly... it kind of startled me...what-?
I grunt softly and I grab his wrist, but softly so I didn't hurt him. I took him outside, while going through the crowd I hear Loba scream: "Don't hurt him!"
R:"I won't promise!"
We went outside and it was getting dark already. We sit down at a bench a little further.
He awkwardly sits next to me as I sit with my arms across the bench but making there's enough space so I don't touch him... skinbag...

M:"Soooo...what's up?"
R:"How did u get so close with girlie hmm? Something else happened and I didn't know of it..."
M:"Yeah i- i- I don't know we just got close, she started venting to me about you and... well I was drunk and she helped me so of course we got good. U know... *says softly to himself*: He's gonne kill me isn't he...?"
R:"I'm not gonne kill you. Just keep it like I said: 'don't touch her ever again.' It's...good to see her happy around the place again. Even after telling her about all...*looks at himself* this."
M:"Ofcourse, she's full of love for you. Which is still questionable for me of how but okay... I bet she would love you even if u were Ba- Basically anything!"
R:"Hmh..." I still look at my hands while I make weird movements with them.
M:"uhm yeah... HEY! Don't be so...uhm- insecure. I like ur new look and dam *tsh* ur outfit is stylishhhhh!" He said while he checked me out and smirking at me... kind of weird uhm help?
R:"Thanks?" *raises eye brow* "Well then" I stand up and stretch my whole body. I notice he was staring at me. I blush slightly... 'Why is he looking at me like that...' I think to myself
"If u got any other last words?" I say while I hover over him and put my arm behind him on the bench.
M:*blushing hard* "AHHH-AA... N-n-nope! Nothing to say here ha ha ha...! Please personal space..." *smiles awkwardly while sweating a bit*

There was an awkward silence as I looked into his eyes. His face slightly calmed down. It feels like time was frozen, what is happening...
R:"There's something about you that...I can't explain." I accidentally say out loud... I shut up and break eye contact. I twirl a strand of his hair and put it behind his air.
He was slightly blushing...why...why that blush and what... what is this feeling ? URGH WHAT AM I DOING!?
I snap out of it and went back inside with no words letting him there.

As I see him get back in the building I smile softly and went towards him.
L:"Did we ever dance?"
R: "Hmm.. never long, only for a few moments."
He takes my hand and puts his hands around me dancing from behind me.
R:"You..still love me even after of what I am...of what I've said. U know that I don't trust really u right? It's bad... I shouldn't be ur boyfriend. I mean we are enemies *joking slightly scared*
I take a moment to think, I caress his hands softly.
L:"I's strange love isn't it?" *lays head on his shoulder* "It's not about the outside, it's about the inside."
R:"Ouu yes I like insides...especially their hearts, I can slice it up into a snack. Hmmmm~ "
I face palmed myself and laughed softly. I turn around and put my hands around his neck
L:"Ofcourse I still have feelings. I'm weird huh?" *smile* The thing he said about trusting me was in the back of my mind but I didn't want to bring it up...
I wanted to give her a little kiss on the cheek but something was holding me back... I don't know what or why. All I could do is breathe in her neck and face softly, I notice she was wearing a red necklace. I struggle to remember. I thought I've given that to her.
"That's my necklace I gave right?"
She smiled happily that I noticed it.
The music stopped and a spotlight shined on the little stage.
Oh boy here come's that little trickster skinbag...
Mirage decoy: "Welcome legends great and small! For you have all waited for....Whashaaaa Mirage!"
M:"Oh waw! Thank u handsome man, I'll take it from here."
He dramatically makes his way to the centre of the stage and get his cards out to read.
"I'm so proud to be the legend that can introduce this new season. It was hard keeping it a secret..."
As he can continue to talk, I notice my body is itching... I can feel that I'm going to burst.
"One minute, ill be back." I said to Loba as I could feel the sparks going through me. I finally could kiss her on the cheek and left quickly outside.
As I let myself transform into my shadow form I look around for any danger. What caused it to activate? Maybe stress or to many people? But I feel fine... hm.
I let myself cool down and I heard my name.
I active my shadow again and burst into the window aggressively.
Oh no... he lost his mind... no no no!
"REVENANT NO! NOT MIRAGE! He never hurted me I promise you!" I said while I walked in front of him. I was scared I would have to watch again...
I see in his eyes he's lost.
"Honey, u need to get out of here. It's too crowded common! Everything is fine."
He breathes heavily and takes my shoulders in a firm grab.
R:" The strings on me continue to pull. Someone knew. Tinkering in my head. *twitches head*
Do you know what it's like to be torn apart... and stitched back together?
You're lucky I'm here. To spare u the agony."
He sounded cold and like old Revenant.
L:"Alright hun...we already had this talk, its okay. I'm here-"
R: "They just won't let me die, Your will to live is fading.
I can see it..."
My face changed to chock as he lets go of my shoulders leaving a little mark.
R:"Haha... are u scared?" *comes closer* "I'd love a closer look."
He walks around me while he's still in full shadow form.
R: "Some skinbag out there thinks they are in control. Control? *turns head*
"Ill rip it from their cold, dead hands." *slightly twitches and comes back to life*
"Oh-... I DIDN'T HURT ANYONE DID I?" He said worried and scared... That's the first time that has ever happened.
L:"No, everyone is fine. Are you okay?"
R:"I.. I don't know... I'm glad no one got hurt. I think I had an panic attack."
He said hating to admit it. I didn't know he could get that.
Mirage busts through the exit doors and rush to us.
M:"Are you okay big man? I didn't mean to scare u off...or anything."
R:"Not ur fault...hmm. Thanks tho..."
I look at Revenant surprised. He usually never thanks people.
After some calming down and talking we decided to get back home.
We got a paper of all the information of the new season to read back home tomorrow.

Written with Jones❤️👺

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