Revenant's Malfunction

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(Rev pov)
<Before Kill code part 1>

Something is wrong with my system... my head ugh it hurts, and that dam ringing... it makes me insane.
I've been going down lately, I can't focus in battles Its been getting worse and worse.
Things have showed up on my screen, codes...letters... I don't even know.
I haven't told anyone...not even Loba.
*sigh* anyways we are getting ready for a fight with her.
She was just sitting and filing her nails. Quite unusual to be in silence...
"Something seems off about you, I don't like it. What's wrong?"
I say while I wander a bit around
"Oh nothing, I'm just glad were back in the games." She said while she looks at her nails.
"Yeah, it has been a while." I stretch my whole body. Cracking my non existing bones.
Perhaps she's just preparing and saving her energy.

We drop at a spot, looting like always and getting stuff.
As we were walking through a field of lavender flowers, I pick some up and tapped her shoulder.
"For u."
"Aww..." She takes the flowers and does it around her black market staff like a little accessory.
She gives me a kiss on my head before walking again. "I heard some shots that way, lets go?"
I nodded softly and followed her.
Oh no... I could feel it again... the ringing starts in my head again. The codes show up.
All of a sudden I can't walk... ugh who is controlling me!? WHO HAS MY HEAD! I'll kill all the skin bags I see..
I breathe heavily, the ringing was so loud I could barely hear Loba her voice.
"Demonio? Ar---- you okay?" Her voice slightly echo through the ringing.
I try to look up at her as the codes slowly went away and the ringing stopped.
I quickly stood up like nothing happened. "Yeah i- I'm great. Let's kill some skin bags."
"...What happened? You didn't look right."
"I was smelling the flowers" She looked at me weird and just nodded.
Hardly believable oh I know... whatever.
Enemies are up ahead, I throw my ability at them and we push forward. We made 2 beautiful kills.
While looting we were a bit at distance, looking at our own boxes to loot. I was glitching again... it has been happening more often and faster than usual.
I couldn't control my body! AUGH can someone help me!?
"AUGHHH!" My hand was making weird movements and my neck was cracking. It was like I was being torn apart... like something was pulling me.
I come back to normal and softly fall in her arms... weak. Really...weak...this is impossible. Someone is messing with me.
As she carried me in a building she takes a good look at me while I slowly get my power back.
I stand up again. "It's fine! Please... don't worry."
She kept her serious face on and did 3 turns around me, looking at my whole body.
"What is happening?" She said with little fierce in her voice.
"I don't know, I thought u would know better since YOU have my source code and everything."
"I did nothing to you, I wouldn't do that. You are in pain." She walks in circles nervously.
"Someone has maybe hacked you." She softly said.
"Crypto?" I say while tilting my head to her. She turned to me. "No, he wouldn't do that. If he did he's asking for a death wish from you."
I grunt and take out my guns to reload while I look at her. She seemed stressed and worried for me.
"You know u don't need to worry for me eh? I'm still THE Revenant u know."
She nods her head agreeing while still walking around.
"Are we gonne fight?" I want her to stop thinking and focus on having fun with me and perhaps win the game.
"Yeah- yeah fine lets go." She takes a deep breathe. I kissed her fastly on the cheek and we went outside the building ready to go again.

Outlasting the last few legends. We saw them further up and Loba did the signal to use my ult.
I take a deep breathe and use my ult with all my power, almost glitching again.
I have never been more annoyed like this before... I just want answers and an end to this glitch in my system or whatever it is.
I activate the totem and went straight in taking Loba her hand to let her get in with her jump drive.
Making the last kills and getting the title again "Champion"
"Yesss! Ohh this is what I needed!" she said happily finally smiling to me.
We hugged each other. "Ahh sorry for my mood before... I'm all good now thanks beautiful."
"Meh, used to it"*wink* She softly punched me and we went back home.

"You want to celebrate? Theres a huge party again that Mirage organized."
"Hm... yeah sure but if I... glitch I will have to leave. My head..." I say while I rest my head on her shoulder.
She sighed lightly. "You will be fine, okay? I will find the answer. It will be my task for u."
"Hm..." Not saying much after we arrived back home and cleaned our selves up to go to the party.

Arriving at the place Mirage welcome's us with his decoys.
"Hey hey! Look who it is." *imitates announcer* "Ourrrr CHAMPIOOOOOONS!"
He makes 2 decoys to greet us at the same time.
1 Hugging Loba and welcoming her lovely. The other scared to touch me. I looked down to his decoy.
"Please don't eat me... hehe... Welcome Revenant!" he says nervously.
I shook his hand softly and grabbed Loba by the shoulder to get in smoothly.
I let her sit down at the bar and kissed her on the forehead. "Ill be watching from above, I like it that way." I smiled at her and climbed up to watch the legends from a distance. Just like always.
As I noticed Loba taking he order I see Lifeline, Maggie and Valkyrie all heading her way.
They come around her and start to talk. I don't know what they said to her but it looked serious by the look of her face. She even made eye contact with me.
What are they planning huh? As I try to go closer to listen to them my head doesn't want to work again... UGH COMON THIS IS IMPROTANT!!!
As I watch closely I try to read their lips.
"We need u." I see Lifeline say. Loba rolls her eyes.
"Loba, ur the only one who knows so much about him!" Aj said little madly
"Yea, we all want the same goal don't we?" Maggie said trying to get her in whatever their plan was.
I saw by her face that she had an idea and I see her mouth a name we all know.
She smirked slightly at Ajay and took a sip of her drink.
"Fine, ill join you. Just for my "ability" of getting into things and ugh thief things...whatever. Yea I'm in." She said while rolling her eyes and slightly looking at me.
The 3 of them went away and Loba turned her chair and drank again.
As I let myself fall down to the ground and stand up looking at the group leaving outside, I sit next to her.
"What was that about?"
"Ohhh they uh want me to hack some sort of system for a mission." She shrugged her shoulders slightly.
"Mmm yeah...okay, be careful girly." I say as I kissed her hand and went outside to have some chill time alone.
I sit down at the wall and I glitch again. It was hurting but at the same time it felt peaceful...
"Whoa, that doesn't look to good." I hear someone say.
It was Mirage. Just himself.
I growl softly at him. He ignores it... I thought he was scared of me.
"Weren't you scared of me?"
"Y-yes I am, of course I am but uh... *takes a step back from him* This is something to worry about."
He looked at my arm, I lift my arm and see its twisted from my glitching.
I sigh softly and got up, letting it crack back into the original place.
"Egh... I know u don't have bones but still yuck dude... it looks weird. You know Crypto can take a look at you." He offered.
"Heeee.....*breathes heavly* I don't think so, I'll go to him when I'm gonne kill him."
"WHAT? No no no, why?" he says panicking.
"I think he's behind this. He is a hacker after all."
He raised his eyebrow. "There are more hackers in the world then JUST Crypie. Remember Hammond is-"
"SHUT UP! I don't need to hear that name. Agh-" I glitch again hardly making my whole body twist.
I hear him scream like a little girl and run away.
I fight it back activating my shadow form accidently for more power.
"Ughhh I can't control myself... what is happening to me?"

I stay out of sight until Loba got bored and we both went home.

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