Chapter 2

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3rd Person P.O.V

Later that night, after the Coral Moon gathering, Lyra had gone back to her grotto to rearrange some of the items there, as she would felt it would look a little better. Once she was done, a flash of light and strange noises caught her attention. She looked up and saw that these were coming from the surface. Lyra's curiosity got the better of her, so she swam out of her grotto and up to the surface. Once she was there, she could see several bursts of colourful light appearing in the air, each one making a loud noise when it appeared. The sound of laughter and music then caught her attention, and she turned to see a large ship nearby. Lyra swam over and managed to climb into the rowboat on the side of the ship, carefully peering through the railings to try and see what's going on. Unknown to Lyra, this was a birthday celebration being held for Heather Chandler, the daughter of King Joseph and Queen Susan Chandler, and the heiress to the throne of Ruby Haven.

"I'll say this, having a party on a ship is one heck of a way to celebrate your birthday, Heather." A female voice spoke.

"Oh, shove off, Veronica. This was yours and JD's idea, and you know it. You two, along with Heather and Heather, were the ones who planned this whole thing." A second female voice spoke. Lyra looked over to try and see the source of the voices, and saw a group of four girls and, to her surprise, JD, standing near the wheel of the ship. Though her attention was immediately caught by the second girl who had spoken, Heather Chandler. Lyra felt her breath get caught in her throat when she saw how beautiful Chandler was, dressed in a red dress that suited her perfectly, with her blonde hair done up nicely.  An unknown feeling began to stir within Lyra, and she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it, but pushed it down for now as she continued to watch. Little did she know that JD had seen her watching, until she saw the four girls head down the steps to join the party before a shadow fell over her.

"Enjoying the view?" Lyra jumped at the voice and looked up, but sighed in relief when she saw that it was only JD sitting next to the railing.

"You scared me." Lyra complained, crossing her arms.

"My apologies, Lyra. But you're lucky it was me who saw you and not one of those superstitious old sailors down there." JD said.

"Those four girls you were with, who are they?" Lyra asked.

"The one in blue is Veronica Sawyer, heiress to the region of Sapphire Vale and also my girlfriend; the one is yellow is Heather McNamara, heiress to the region of Topaz Heights; the one in green is Heather Duke, heiress to the region of Emeraude; and the one in red is Heather Chandler, heiress to the throne of Ruby Haven, and also the one who seems to have caught your eye." JD answered, though ended his answer with a teasing note to his voice, causing Lyra to blush.

"Oh, shut up. I've not even met her, so there's no way I could like her like that." Lyra said.

"The blush on your face tells me otherwise." JD said, earning further blushing from Lyra.

"I don't like you anymore. You're being mean." Lyra said, but in a joking manner.

"Oh, that smarts, your highness. But I guess I know my place." JD laughed, causing Lyra to laugh as well. The two probably would have continued their conversation, but a loud rumble caught their attention, as well as the attention of everyone aboard the ship.

"Storm approaching! Man the sails!" The two heard Chandler shout, and the crew rushed to obey. JD hurriedly got up and went to help just as the storm hit the area they were in, and heavy rain began lashing down as the ocean waves rapidly grew in size. Lyra dived off the rowboat and back into the safety of the ocean. Well, safe for her at least. She could only watch in horror as waves pushed the ship closer towards the treacherous reefs that were in the vicinity. A strong blast of wind caught one of the lanterns on the ship, causing it to fall and smash, which in turn set the ship alight.

Written In The Stars (Heathers/The Little Mermaid fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now