Chapter 4

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3rd Person P.O.V

Some time later, Lyra was still in her grotto. She hadn't left it due to not wanting to return him and face her family. Unknown to her, Indigo had come to check on her, but had taken one look at the cavern to realise what had happened and decided it was best to give her sister some space, so she had returned to Oceania. Had Lyra looked up, she would have seen two eels swimming above her, forming a viewing portal in which the image of Morgana appeared.

"Poor child. All that hard work, reduced to nothing in seconds. All because your father let his pride cloud his judgement." The sound of Morgana's voice made Lyra look up to see the image.

"Who are you?" Lyra asked.

"I'm not surprised you don't recognise me, dear one. I'm not really invited to the family gatherings. I'm your Aunt Morgana. Your grandmother is my older sister." Morgana answered. Lyra looked a little confused, as she couldn't recall her grandmother ever mentioning a sister, but she could see the resemblance Morgana held to Ursula.

"Really? Grandmother has never mentioned you. Why have I never met you before?" Lyra answered.

"Let's just say I had a bit of a disagreement with the rest of the family, so I've lived away from Oceania. But that aside, I believe I can help you get what you wish." Morgana answered. This got Lyra's curiosity.

"How? And how do I know I can trust you?" Lyra questioned, suddenly feeling hesitant about the whole ordeal. A family member she had never met was offering to help her out of the blue, and it was enough to raise her suspicions.

"Come to see me and find out. Follow the eels. They'll lead you to me." Morgana answered, before the image vanished. Not having much choice, Lyra swam after the two eels, following them until they reached a dark cavern. This made Lyra even more hesitant, but she couldn't exactly back out now. She was too far from Oceania to make it back by herself. Eventually, her curiosity got the better of her wariness, and she followed the eels inside until she saw some sort of light coming from the centre of the cave. Seeing a few bones littered around the place did not help Lyra's uneasiness, nor did the fact she felt like the plants were watching her.

"Come in, child. You'll have to excuse the dreariness. It's the best I could do as I'm not allowed near the kingdom." Morgana's voice sounded, and Lyra looked up to see the woman resting on a ledge. Like Ursula, Morgana was a Cecaelia, a sea creature that was half-woman and half-octopus. Though both had previously been mermaids prior to transforming into Cecaelias using their father, Poseidon's, trident.

"You said you could help me. But I don't see how you'd know about my situation." Lyra said.

"It might surprise you, but I do like to keep an eye on family. You and your sisters have all grown into fine young women. But I have to say, you saving that human princess was very admirable, and I cannot say I blame your desire to be with her. I believe I have a solution to your problem. You see, the only way to get want you want is to become a human yourself." Morgana told her, descending from the ledge to land in front of Lyra.

"Become a human? Is that even possible?" Lyra questioned.

"My dear sweet child, of course it's possible. With the help of a little magic. But everything comes with a price. You will not be allowed to use that precious siren song of yours up on land. But worry not, I'll keep it safe and sound right here. So, here's the deal. I'll whip up a potion that will make you human for three days. Got that? Three days. Before sunset on the third day, if you and the Princess share True Love's Kiss, you'll regain your siren song and you'll remain a human permanently. But if you don't, you'll turn back into a mermaid, and you'll belong to me. So, do we have a deal?" Morgana questioned, tapping the seashell necklace around her neck to indicate where Lyra's siren song would be kept. Lyra knew this had to be too good to be true, and that there had to be a bigger catch that just giving up her siren song.

Written In The Stars (Heathers/The Little Mermaid fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now