Chapter 7

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3rd Person P.O.V

The sun rose on Lyra's third and final day as a human, eventually waking the brunette. Lyra got up and quickly got dressed. While she had thoroughly enjoyed her day yesterday, despite falling into the lagoon, she now had an uneasy feeling that she couldn't quite seem to shake. Nevertheless, she finished getting dressed and left her room, intending to go and find Chandler. After making her way through various hallways, Lyra eventually made it to the courtyard, only to stop short at the sight in front of her and quickly hide behind a nearby column. Joseph and Susan were both standing in the courtyard, as was Chandler. But there was someone else with them, another brunette that Lyra did not recognise as anyone who lived in the palace. She could also see Veronica, JD, Duke and Mac nearby, but all four had their backs to her, so she couldn't see the looks on their faces.

"In any case, we're very grateful to finally meet the one who saved our daughter that night. We don't know what we would have done if we'd lost her." Susan was saying.

"Indeed we are. We can announce the engagement to the kingdom today, with the ceremony taking place at sunset. That is, if that's what you want." Joseph said. Hearing these words made Lyra feel as though her heart was just about being ripped from her chest.

"It's what we both want." She heard the newcomer say, which only made the pain worse. Even though she knew that she was the one who had really saved Chandler that night, Lyra knew she had no way to prove it without her voice. And apparently all her effort the past two days had been for nothing. Heartbroken, Lyra ran from the scene and out of the palace, heading for the only place that could bring her some solace right now: the rock area where she had met JD for the first time. Had Lyra been able to see what was going on, she would've seen Veronica, JD, Duke and Mac all eyeing the newcomer with great suspicion. This newcomer, a teenage girl by the name of Clarissa, had appeared on the beach the previous night, claiming to be the one who had saved Chandler, and no one had questioned it. JD and Veronica were especially suspicious, as they knew the truth behind what happened. As soon as they were allowed to leave, the four left the courtyard and made their way to JD's room, where they would be able to talk without being overheard.

"This is wrong. For starters, I don't believe that Clarissa girl was really the one who saved Heather the night of the storm." Duke said.

"That's because she's not." JD said. He glanced at Veronica, who nodded, knowing it was time to tell the other two the truth.

"Really? Then who was?" Mac asked.

"Lyra saved Heather that night. Look, there's something we've been keeping from the two of you, but for good reason until now." Veronica answered.

"And what's that?" Duke questioned.

"Lyra isn't human. She's a mermaid. I know this because I met her a few days prior to her arrival here at the palace. That's how she was able to save Heather from drowning and get her safely to shore. And if you don't believe me, then you might have noticed that Lyra has been wearing the necklace that Heather thought she lost that night. The only way she could have found it was if it sank to the ocean floor with the shipwreck, which only a mermaid would have been able to get to." JD answered, and Duke and Mac both realised the truth behind his words.

"That doesn't explain how she became human, or her lack of speaking since she came here." Mac pointed out.

"She was offered a deal by her evil great-aunt, in which she would be turned human for three days, and she had until sunset of the third day to share True Love's Kiss with Heather in order to remain human permanently. If she didn't succeed, then she would turn back into a mermaid. But the catch was that she had to give up her siren song. Lyra agreed to the deal, but her great-aunt tricked her and took her entire voice, not just her siren song as stated in the deal." Veronica told them.

Written In The Stars (Heathers/The Little Mermaid fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now