Chapter 8

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3rd Person P.O.V

JD did not stop running until he finally made it to the beach. Once he got there, he stopped for a couple of minutes to catch his breath. He looked around, and was relieved when he spotted a familiar figure sitting on the rocks. He wanted to laugh at the irony of it being the place he'd first met Lyra, but instead he pushed it to the back of his mind as he ran over to her. Hearing his footsteps, Lyra looked up, her eyes widening in surprise when she saw JD.

"Thank goodness I found you. We need to get back to the palace right now. That girl you saw in the courtyard, Clarissa, is actually Morgana in disguise. She used your siren song to disguise herself as a human, and she's also used it to place Heather under a spell. She's got your voice in her seashell necklace. There's still time before the sun sets completely. We can get your voice back and make sure you succeed." JD explained rather quickly, but Lyra still caught every word. A restored sense of hope flowed through her, so she quickly got up from her seat, before she and JD ran back to the palace as fast as they could. They eventually got there and headed for the courtyard, and JD saw that Veronica, Duke and Mac had been doing a good job in subtly steering Clarissa away from Chandler. Knowing what she knew now, Lyra felt rage flow through her at the way her great-aunt had tricked her and tried to ensure she would fail. Lyra went over and stood behind Clarissa before tapping her on the shoulder. As soon as the other girl turned, Lyra didn't hesitate in ripping off her seashell necklace and pushing Clarissa away, backing away to make a safe distance. Clarissa did make an attempt to lunge at Lyra, but was held back by JD.

"Nice try, Morgana, but she knows the truth. Do it, Lyra!" JD said the first part quietly, making Clarissa's eyes widen, before directing the second part to his friend. Lyra nodded, before she threw the seashell necklace against the ground as hard as she could, causing it to break open. The crowd all turned to look as a glowing orb rose from the remains of the shell, with Lyra's siren song coming from it. The orb flew towards Lyra and into her throat, restoring her voice and letting her sing the remainder of her siren song, proving that she was the true owner of the voice. Hearing the song was enough to break the spell over Chandler, who was briefly disoriented but quickly recovered as she looked at Lyra, realising that she'd found out the identity of her true saviour. Chandler rushed over to Lura and hugged her tightly, feeling the brunette hug her back.

"It was you the whole time, and I never realised." Chandler said.

"It's not your fault, Heather. My voice was stolen from me and used to place you under a spell." Lyra said, pulling away from the blonde. The two moved to kiss, but neither had noticed that the sun had now set completely. Lyra gasped in pain as she suddenly felt her legs turning back into her tail. Chandler held Lyra and gently helped her to the ground, stunned at the sight of the light blue tail.

"You're a mermaid?" Chandler questioned.

"I wanted to tell you, but without my voice I had no way of doing so." Lyra answered.

"You're too late!" Clarissa declared, giving an evil cackle as dark purple smoke swirled around her, vanishing to reveal Morgana in her true form, much to the shock of the crowd, before the Sea Witch began to move towards Lyra.

"Stay away from her!" Chandler moved to stand in front of Lyra, but Morgana knocked her aside before grabbing Lyra and diving off the balcony and into the ocean far below. Veronica, JD, Duke and Mac reached the balcony in time to see the two vanish beneath the waves.

"What can we do? We have to help her!" Mac said.

"How? They could be anywhere in the ocean by now, and we can't breathe underwater." Duke said. Chandler gained a look of determination in her eyes, before she got to her feet and left the courtyard. She was not about to let an evil Sea Witch take the girl she loved from her, and she was going to do whatever it took to help save Lyra.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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