Chapter two

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I woke up the next day suddenly remembering the dream I had of Eddie. The thought of him put butterflies in my stomach. I opened up the shades to my room letting the bright sunlight stream into my room. I brushed my teeth and took a shower then got dressed before straightening my hair. I left earlier than usual for work just in case there was a mess from the day before. Once I arrived I noticed how much more quiet it was than yesterday. My boss welcomed me as did Tony who was there too. Tony has had a crush on me for a few months now but nothing ever happened between the both of us because I didn't like him like that.

"Jasmine!" He yelled from across the store looking really excited. " Hey bud." I replied emotionless. He started walking up to me talking in a real fast nervous pace. "You look beautiful as always, I really like your straight hair, or wait is it always straighten? I've never noticed before because I'm just you know always staring at your pretty face. Anyways your hair its great really. I also like-

I cut him off, "Tony" He kept on talking more. "Tony!" I said louder. He finally stopped. I took a deep breath before biting my lip trying to stop myself from chuckling. "I appreciate the compliments, really I do but you need to tone it down a bit, we have work to do." I told him while walking behind the registre."

"I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help it." He said trying to give me a hug. "Yes you can." I replied stopping him from the hug. "Tony we talked about this, You are a sweet guy but it isn't gonna happen between you and I" I said. He looked really sad. I felt bad but I didn't want to lead him on in anyway. People started coming into the shop and I started checking out people.

Eddie's Pov:

I woke up thinking of Jasmine from the Cd store. Probably because of the dream I had of her. We didn't talk much yesterday but I knew i wanted to see her again. I don't know what it is about her that made me nervous... God, She was so beautiful. I knew what I wanted to do. I was gonna go see her at the store. I got up quickly to get ready. Once I was done I told the boys my plan. They just laughed and wished me luck before I headed out to go find this girl.

Jasmine's Pov:

I was in the back room waiting a few minutes before It was lunch time. Tony came up behind me and told me to go get food while he took the register. I thanked him as my boss walked up to me interupting. "Jasmine, Eddie Vedder is here to see you...."

I thought I was gonna die right there and then. "You're joking" I asked. "I'm serious go look for your self." He said. I walked out of the room looking around the store until my eyes spotted a guy with long hair wearing a flannel. He was looking down at a cd he had in his hands. Eddie. Oh my god. What was he doing here? Why does he need me?" I didn't even think he would remember me. I walked up to him but he didn't notice my presence because he was so focused on the cd. I cleared my throat.

He looked up smiled as he saw me standing there. "Oh hey" He said putting the cd back down. "Hey" I replied trying not to seem too excited. He looked me up and down before speaking up. " So um, You're probably wondering why the hell I'm here" He said pulling his long wavy hair back. "Not that far off" I said smirking. He gave a small chuckle. "Well, it's kinda hard to explain but.." He stopped then licked his lips before finishing. I could see that he was a little nervous. He was soft spoken, but so was I. "What happen was.." He couldn't make eye contact with me as he took a deep breathe. I walked up to him a little closer. "It's okay, say it." I said with a warm, friendly smile. At this point I didn't care if I looked excited. I just didn't want to intimidate him anymore. He finally looked up at me. We made eye contact for five seconds in the now silent room. I noticed Tony watching the whole thing behind a cd isle. I was still giving him the smile as he looked at me. I guess it worked because he started talking again. "Jasmine, I want to get to know you better, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." He said. I was now the one who was having a hard time speaking up. All I could feel was butterflies in my stomach. I parted my lips to speak up but nothing came out because I had no idea how to respond to that. Yes I wanted to but at the same time I could see where this would end up in the end. We would get to know each and I'd fall for him but it wouldn't work out with him being super famous and me just being me. Or even worse he realizes how boring and awkward I am the first time we get a chance to 'get to know each other'.

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