Chapter three

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When I walked into the store, My boss was looking at me with a wide smile. Tony was crossing his arms looking angry. I just awkwardly walked to the back and put my purse up. My boss had followed me in. "So what happened?" He asked looking more excited than ever. It was weird considering he never was pleased or interested in anything going on in my life.

"Nothing, we just had lunch, thats all." I replied while texting Eddie so that he could save my number on his phone. "This is so exciting, If the two of you start dating do you know how popular this store will get! Tell him to drop by whenever he wants." My boss said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah sure whatever." I said trying not to get to mad. After all, He is my boss. I went over to the registre where Tony was at. When I got there I decided I wouldn't say anything to him. I was still mad at the fact that he was a jerk to Eddie. The Silence didn't last long because he decided to speak up. "I get it now." He said. I stayed quiet. "You won't date me because I'm not a famous, rich band boy. You say no to me your friend then say yes to the first guy who walks in here without even knowing the guy." Now I was not only annoyed but pissed off. "Look, I'm in a really good mood right now and your ruining it. Tony there was no need to be rude to Eddie earlier today, and by the way everything you are saying is wrong. Yes I agreed on going to lunch with him but for reasons that are none of your business." He got mad and walked off. The rest of the day was a bit awkward and quiet except for my boss who was making phone calls to people telling them about me and Eddie. I don't see what the big deal is, Celebrities are just humans. There's nothing different between regular people and famous people. The day ended finally and I went home. Thank god it was the last day of the week. Friday. I didn't have to go to work the next day. As soon as I got home to my apartment. I took my shoes off and just dropped onto the bed. Falling sleep instantly.

When I woke up the next morning I gabbed my phone and saw that I had a message from Eddie.

Hey Jasmine, I was wondering if you would like to come over to my house for dinner and meet the rest of the band. I would love to see you again today so let me know.

- Eddie

I smiled when I read that. I agreed on going and he sent me back the address. I got up quickly to get ready for the day. Once It was the afternoon. I headed over. The drive took about ten minutes but once I reached the house. I felt the butterflies come again. I walked out of the car, took a deep breath than walked up to the door before knocking on it. Suddenly, two guys opened the door.

"You must be Jasmine." One of them said as he shook my hand. "I'm Stone and he's Jeff." "It's nice to meet you guys." I said. "Come in" Jeff said motioning me on into the house. When I walked in I saw two more guys. They both stood up from sitting on the couch.

"Hi, I'm Dave" one of the guys said while holding on to my hand for longer than usual before kissing to top of it. I could tell he was quite the flirt." I smiled to him.

"C'mon Dave knock it off" The guy who I hadn't met yet said. " It's not like I kissed her, you knock it off" Dave said without taking his eyes off me. The guy got in front of him. "I'm Mike, Sorry about Dave, he's a flirt." Mike said shaking my hand. "I've noticed." I said. Stone chuckled.

"All I'm trying to do is help you before you get your ass beat by Eddie. I'm pretty sure he called dibs on her... Not that we see you in a dibs kind of way..well at least most of us don't." Mike said sitting back down.

"Eddie tells me that you guys are not like the rest of the bands, You guys are in this strictly for the music." I said to them. "He would be correct. In fact Eddie has never met a girl who he wanted to get to know until he met you."

"Is that so..?" I said chuckling to myself. "Yep." Stone replied handing me coke. I thanked him. "So where is Eddie anyways?" I asked.

"Out in the back cooking up some steak, I forgot to tell him you were here but if you want to you can just go out there and surprise him." Stone said pointing at a door in the back.

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