Chapter four

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On the phone with Eleanor-

Eleanor: Wait so let me get this straight, you're dating the lead singer of Pearl Jam?

Me: I wouldn't say dating but yeah I guess we are kinda seeing each other.

Eleanor: That's so amazing Jasmine, and you were at his house yesterday when I called weren't you?

Me: Yes, he wanted me to meet his friends...It was really great.

Eleanor: I'm so happy for you.

Me: Yeah thanks, hey I have to go, Eddie is calling me right now.

Eleanor: Okay bye!

Eddie on the phone:

Me: Hey Eddie.

Eddie: Good evening Jasmine, I wanted to know if you had plans today?

Me: No not really, why what's up?

Eddie: Do you want to go to Gas works park with me. It's a pretty good park, don't know if you've ever been but it's real nice. You'd like it.

Me: That sounds like fun. I'd love to go, Ive never been before. What time should I meet you?

Eddie: Now if that's fine.

Me: Send me the address and I'll be there as soon as I'm ready.

Eddie: Alright see you then.

I hung up and got ready to go as quickly as possible. As soon as I got out of the house I sent Eddie a text saying I was on my way. Once I reached the park. I walked around hoping to find Eddie. All of a sudden I spotted a group of people who were surrounding someone. I saw the corduroy jacket and knew it was him. I walked over towards the group who were all excited to be around Eddie. They were all listening to what Eddie was talking about which I wasn't quite sure what the conversation was about since I had just walked up to them.

"I think this could possibly be a bigger deal than we all originally thought. The band, you know we've all agreed we won't advertise this. We figured whoever needed to hear about it would hear about it, but yeah there will be speakers in the back so it should be loud enough. Bring your friends along or whoever." Eddie said to the group of people. I realized he was talking about the drop in the park concert that the band was talking about when I was at his house. One fan asked to take a picture with him "Sure, I usually don't but today.." He said getting close to the fan just before the picture had been taken. The fan thanked him as he walked away. Eddie soon noticed my presence. He smiled at me right away, "Alright, it was nice talking to you guys" He said waving to them just before walking over to me.

" Jasmine" He said giving me a hug. "Why is it that ever time you come over to see me I don't end up noticing you. Like the time I went to visit you at the cd store, or when I was cooking steak and now this?"

"Exactly that.. You don't notice me!" I said crossing my arms.

"Thats not true, believe me I notice you" He said winking at me. "There's no doubt about that, it's just that you always sneak up on me." Eddie replied.

" I don't sneak up on you. You're always busy having your mind on something else. Like the cd you were holding when you visited me at the cd store, or the steak you were so focused on cooking, the fans too." I said chuckling. "It's almost like you do it on purpose so you don't look desperate." I added.

"Maybe I do." Eddie said smiling which turned into a giggle.

"Come on, let's go sit down at that bench." He said. We walked over and sat on top of the table. There was a nice breeze. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot. It wasn't too crowded here either. " You were right this is a nice park" I spoke up looking around. "Yeah, Even nicer with you being here Jas, thank you for joining me." I smiled and turned my head the other way. I didn't want him to see me blushing. "No problem Vedder..I'm glad I could join you as well." I said looking back over at him. He had a smile on his face. He was looking into the sky. His eyes looked so blue out in the light.

"So let me guess, that conversation you were having with the fans was about the drop in the park concert?" I asked. I could see him getting a bit more tensed up. "Ah.. so you did hear the conversation." Eddie asked. "The last part" I nodded.

Eddie took a deep breath before turning his body towards me and looking me in the eyes. "That conversation..Jasmine, it was about you."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"The truth is I was telling the fans about you because they asked, until I realized you were there because of the faces they were making looking behind me, when I realized that I added the two last sentences to make it seem like I was talking about drop in the park." Eddie said waiting for me to catch on. I had to think about it.


"I think this could possibly be a bigger deal than we all originally thought. The band, you know we've all agreed we won't advertise this. We figured whoever needed to hear about it would hear about it, ... *long pause* but yeah there will be speakers in the back so it should be loud enough. Bring your friends along or whoever."

Once I remembered the conversation I looked back at Eddie with confusion.

"Advertising? Wait hearing about what?" I asked. He looked at me for awhile without speaking up. He bit his lip and looked down just before taking another deep breath. He looked back at me.

"About you being my girlfriend." He whispered. I parted my lips. I was in complete shock. "When did I agree on being your girlfriend?" I asked.

"Well you didn't have to, Jasmine, I see the way you look at me. Your eyes say it all. The way I see it, You've already agreed...."

My mouth was still slightly opened. I couldn't think straight. I didn't know what to say. I just felt so incredibly happy. I noticed the fans were all looking at us from a distance. They knew I was the girl and they watched us with excitment almost like we were at a preteen party and we had just got dared to kiss.

Eddie's pov:

"Well I guess I should do this the proper way. I know you like me, Like I said, I see it in your eyes, I see it in the way you behave when I say certain things like right now, you get nervous. I see it Jasmine...I can see you" I said just before placing my hand on her heart. "And I like who I see" I moved my hand from her heart along her neck to her face, then pulling in towards her.

Jasmine's Pov: His beautiful face came closer to mine as he stared at my lips. He closed his eyes as did I. I finally felt his lips on mine. What started out as a peak turned into a kiss and that kiss turned into kissing. I felt my whole body go weak. Kissing Eddie was the best feeling ever. I heard applauding . I pulled away not wanting this to carry on much longer in public with people watching. When I pulled away I couldn't help but to smile. Eddie was smiling. We looked into each other's eyes before he spoke up. "So, do you want to be mine?" He asked. I nodded and grabbed his hand. We stood up from the table and started walking around the park. " I feel like the luckiest girl right now but Eddie I want things to go slow and not too fast you know, since we haven't known each other long." I said still holding onto his hand. "Of course. I wouldn't rush this. What amazes me is the connection I have with you, for example I haven't known you long and I already have strong feelings for you, that has to mean something right." Eddie asked.

"You're right. I said agreeing.

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