Chapter eight

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A few days passed by without seeing Ed. Just because I had to work those days but he invited me to his beach house so we could hang out just us today. It was noon and I was ready to go head over there. The car ride included me listening to Ten.

Once I reached the beach house I walked up the sandy stairs and knocked on the door. Eddie opened the door. He was smiling.

" always" he said while pulling me into a hug. I held onto him tightly. "Baby". I released but we continued holding hands. "Follow me, I want to show you something." He said while taking me hand in hand into his beach house. It was really casual yet really cute. He had paper all over the place with writings. "This is nice." I said. "It's kinda messy, but you know, surfing, seeing the waves.. and the ocean, it's what gives me that power that I need to write at my best ability."

I smiled. He slid the glass door which opened to the view from the patio. I breathed in the sea air. We walked out and admired the beauty. "Eddie.." I gasped.

"I know, It's great." I looked at him. His eyes were lost in the waves. "I can understand why this would motivate you to write." Eddie nodded. He took my hand again and walked me to some chairs. We sat down. "Close your eyes, the view isn't the only thing that's intriguing..Hear the different sounds"

We both closed our eyes. "The waves crashing, the seagulls, kid's laughter.. God, Eddie this.... this is honestly as great as it gets, right here, right now. Being here..." I paused to admire everything once more. "and being with you." I looked back at him. He smiled then stared into my eyes. Our eye contact was strong, for a longtime too.

"Hey." he mouthed. "Hey", I returned. Ed raised his right hand to stroke my cheek and held it there. I closed my eyes and moved into his hand a little to signal my affection for him. Our eyes then locked. Keeping his hand in place, he brought his thumb down and lightly traced my mouth. On the second pass, he stopped in the middle and I pursed my lips against his thumb in a kiss. He tasted of the ocean. He groaned softly. I removed his hand from my face, holding it firmly in mine. Our lips found each other. I could feel his soul patch against my lips and chin. He untangled his hand from mine and cupped my face in order to deepen the kiss. I let him, and our tongues sweetly danced. I felt a rush of physical desire. He moved his hands from my face and wrapped his arms around my torso, pulling me further into him. Ed slowed the kiss to it's conclusion. He drew back and regarded me. He reached up and gently swept loose strands behind my ear. He cleared his throat and cast his eyes down over my body. I stood up. He glanced back at my face in confusion. I reached my hand out for his. He took it. I walked toward the railing of the deck. I nodded in frustration while looking down at the floor. "Oh." He said. "I'm sorry..." I took a deep breath. "Look, I want to but... " -

"I understand." Eddie said interrupting. "No, I want to explain my reasoning. All my life I've believed that I wanted to lose my virginity to the right person, the love of my life. I'm not planning on waiting till marriage, I just want to wait till I find the one. I'm just scared.. and don't get me wrong, As of now, I do see you as the one...but I just want to wait..just in case you know." I said not taking my eyes of the ground.

"Baby... I understand and respect that. I think it's smart and I love it." He said kissing my hand. "No you don't" I joked. "I mean yeah it's hard to not make love to you but I respect it." He said. "It's hard for me too." I said. "But thank you for respecting." We walked inside and I suddenly felt very sleepy. Eddie prepared some blankets and pillows for me in his bed. He cuddled with me for a bit before I fell asleep.

I woke up about an hour later to find a note on the desk.

"Good afternoon, sleepy girl. I'm feeling re-energized so I'm going to catch some waves while you catch some zzzzs
Back Soon
- E"

I smiled at the note. Such a cutie. While he was gone I decided I would make lunch. I cut up some fruit, prepared sandwiches and I poured some glasses of wine. I gathered up a notepad and a pen while looking for a comfy spot to enjoy the rest of the afternoon on the deck. I wanted to write a song but I failed to make any productive headway. I couldn't. My mind was busy replaying the last moments from the day. I still could not believe that me of all people would be the one to not only be the one he calls mine but to also have him in my life. He was such a charm. He had such an appreciation for art, for beauty, for music, for love and respect. At this point I don't even want to think about him possibly leaving my life for any reason. That thought made my stomach turn.

I heard some noises and realized it was the sound of the door opening. I got up to go see him and I couldn't help but to smile. He emerged; His still damp shoulder length mane, loose shorts, muscular arms and chest showing. Bastard.

"Hey gorgeous " He said winking to me. "You're back, did you enjoy your surf?" I asked while walking up to him giving him a peck on the lips. "It was great, I caught some big waves. Missed you though."

I blushed. "Well, I made some food, care to join me" I asked as I sat down at the table. "Ah, you are the best." He said rubbing my back before taking a seat. Everything about this moment felt great. I could get use to this. Eddie talked about his childhood but I found myself frequently zoning out in his presence. It was his beauty. His everything. It was captivating. I tried my best to keep up which wasn't hard considering I had a lot of interest in his childhood, I had interest in everything and anything about him.

Time passed and eventually the wine, the sandwiches and fruit were gone. Eddie put on some music. We danced, as individuals and then playfully with each other. We were just having a good time. It was fun, Just spending time with Eddie. This day had been almost if not the best day of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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