Siena Gilbert
Jam masih menunjukkan pukul 7 pagi dan aku memilih untuk pergi jogging daripada menunggu kedua kakakku bangun yang tidak mungkin dalam waktu dekat.
Aku mengganti bajuku lalu sedikit memakai bedak dan lip gloss. Setelah mengambil iPhoneku, aku meninggalkan kamar hotelku.
Aku mendengar seseorang memanggilku ketika aku baru saja keluar dari lift. Otomatis, aku memutar tubuhku dan menghadap siapa yang baru saja memanggilku.
"Hey, Nash."
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to work out," jawabku. "How about you? What are you doing in 7 in the morning?"
"Same as you. Let's jogging together."
Aku tersenyum lalu mengangguk. Akhirnya, Nash dan aku berlari mengelilingi hotel yang sangat besar ini bersama.
Please, my godness. Don't make Nash ask me what happen with me and Matthew last night.
Tadi malam, aku dengan sulitnya harus menghindari pertanyaan itu dari Selly dan Sharon. Tapi aku sendiri bahkan tidak mengerti mengapa aku ingin menghindarinya.
I feel butterflies on my stomach whenever i hear his name.
I'm so fangirling right now. Yeah, that's probably why i act like this since yesterday.
"So," kata Nash sambil mengatur nafasnya karena kami masih berlari. "Where were you and Matt last night? You guys were just like MIA."
No fucking way.
"We were just walking by the beach. Why you asked me? You didn't met Matt last night?"
Masih sambil berlari, Nash tiba-tiba menatapku dengan senyum penuh arti dan aku sama sekali tidak mengerti maksudnya apa.
"Here's the story," kata Nash masih dengan senyuman sok misteriusnya itu. "Last night, Matt walked in through the door with this big smile on his face."
Gah, don't make me think that was because of me, Nash.
Just don't.
Because there's no chance it'd be possible.
"And then we asked where were he and he was just like 'just chillin' with Siena' but that super big smile wouldn't get off of his little mouth. That was so cute, Sien."
I'm flying to the sky so high.
Just sayin'.
"Which part that was cute?"
"Oh, don't play dumb, Sien." Kata Nash sambil tertawa. "I know you got it."
"Whatever, Nash."
"Oh come on, it was just one day and maybe a half but i already like you."
Did he said what i just heard?
No way. way.
Belum sempat aku menjawab, Nash langsung membenarkan perkataannya.
"No no no not in that way. Gash, why the fuck it's sounds like that. If Kylie know, she'd kill me?"
Breath out.
But wait, what?
The love of Matthew Espinosa
FanfictionMatthew Lee Espinosa just cannot enjoy his vacation with the boys in Bali for some reason. But then, things changed after Nash Grier walked around the beach by himself and found the one and only person who can recognize him. Siena Athania Gilbert. ...