Unexpected morning fight with Matthew

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Matt bersikap sedikit berbeda lagi sejak kemarin setelah dia menguping pembicaraanku dan Kylie di dapur. Seriously, i have no idea why does he always have to act like this.

If he likes me, he should just tell me, right? Well, that made me believe that he doesn't.

Tadi siang, Nash mengupload video chapstick challenge kemarin di youtube. So, i think this is even worse. Nash has more subscribers than Aaron. There are obviously more people to see.

"Knock knock,"

Aku mengalihkan pandanganku dari laptopku lalu melihat Justin sedang menyender di pintu masuk kamarku.

Aku tertawa, "who's there?"

"It's Rick."

"Rick who?"

"Rick the sizzler," jawab Justin sambil menaik turunkan alisnya.

"Alright, Rick, what do you want?" Tanyaku masih tertawa dan tidak beranjak dari tempat tidurku. Aku dari awal memang berniat untuk memainkan laptop dan membuka sosial mediaku.

Justi masuk ke kamarku lalu bersandar disebelahku, "i'm bored."

I don't know how, but this is just remind me when me and Matt were about to kiss...

"What are you doing?" Tanya Justin melongok untuk melihat laptopku dan membuatku buyar dari lamunanku.

"I was about to open my social media,"

Justin mengangkat bahunya, "well, i suggest you not to do that."


"And that's because..?"

"Because when i opened my mentions this evening, i found my fans sending me those mad tweets about the chapstick challenge," Kata Justin sambil tertawa. "I believe that they found your twitter and send you those kind of tweets too."

This isn't even funny for me. Why is he laughing?

"I knew that wasn't a good idea. Why did i still do that anyway. I should've just get off of the pool yesterday."

Justin menatapku, "you regret it? Hey that was so much fun."

"I don't know, i can't even handle the hates sometimes." Jawabku jujur, "i was just an ordinary girl and my life changes real quick after Nash uploaded a video with me on it in the couch with Matt and the next morning i woke up with those hates on my twitter and now can you imagine how people will react when my lips touch The Justin Bieber lips?"

Aku memang sengaja menekan suaraky ketika aku menyebutkan namanya.

"Hey i thought you're my fans and loved it when i kiss you,"

"yes i am your fans and i loved it when you kissed me," jawabku. "But that because i'm your fans so i know exactly how it feels when i see you kiss a girl. Even though i never send those kind of tweets to the girl you've dated, it still sucks."

"But you liked it when i kiss you, right?"

Ok. Justin i like it. I love it. But i thought about Matt too when our lips met.

"Yes?" Aku menatapnya bingung, "why did you ask me that again and--"

Pertanyaanku terpotong ketika Justin tiba-tiba menciumku. Ok i'm dying right now.

Like seriously, this isn't a game and he kissed me.



The love of Matthew EspinosaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang