Chapter 2: 6 years earlier and a sappy sentimental moment

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Kate had been eleven years old, and those moments had always haunted her. It had been a dry, hot day. Kate's village had been in a severe drought. "Mama!" Kate had been drawing on some extra wood they had in their small hut that was more of a pile of mud with a scooped out inside. True, it had a wooden frame supporting it, but it wasn't the prettiest. Inside, there was a dirt ramp that opened into a wide room were food was in a cabinet on the left, and four cots were placed out. The room was dimly lit with candles. "What's happening? Why can't I play outside? What's going on out there? What's all of the loud noises?"

Kate's mom looked her dead in the eye. She was very scared of this question but blinked in away. In a daze, she replied, "you... can... uh... we'll play hide and seek in the forest, ok?"

"But I don't- "

"OK?!" Her mother's voice was the most aggressive she'd ever heard it.


"Good, now take Rivers with you to the forest. I'll be out soon." River was Kate's little sibling's name. They were five at the time. Too young to remember that terrible day, and too oblivious to realize what was happening. At least, that's what Kate told herself. Kate's mom had pulled of her golden ankh. It was encrusted with tiny opal gems. "Keep your brother safe." Kate's dad was a soldier and had gone out in a hurry. That was what worried Kate the most. When Kate got out, the fire was everywhere. At spots, she was cold. She'd later assumed those were the work of frost dragons. The air was dry, due to the drought. The fire was catching. The air was thick with smoke. It curled around her neck, burgling in, borrowing in deeper "YOU IDIOTS! MIDDLE, ATTACK! SAVE TAHY!" On a dragon rider, there was a flame. A black flame. Then, everything blacked out.

A few months later, Kate was being treated for 4th degree burns, and 5 months after that, her story got the attention of the queen. One month after that, she was being crowned princess with her one-year-old brother being crowned prince.

"KATE! WHERE ARE YOU?! MOTHER IS-" just then, Rivers barged In Kate quickly tuned her sleeve down, over her flame. "Good morning to you too, River" Kate walked over to her boots, leather. Kate started putting on her boots well Rivers said, "mother is waiting for you for your 'lessons.'" Kate hated listening to her now seven-year-old sibling calling the queen 'mother.'

"Tell her I'll be there in a bit."



"Ok..." the door closed, and Kate let out a sigh of relief as she sunk down, back against the door. Now she could think. Ok, Kate thought, everyone with this mark-the dragon marked- are executed. If she had a mark, where was the dragon? If she killed it, maybe she'd be safe. Show the queen the dragon that did this to her. Yeah. The queen would feel bad. Some eggs look like rocks. Maybe it was in her rock collection. "KATE!" River was getting impatient. 'Mom' was waiting. Kate quickly pulled out her sword. It was a metal with a blue tint, and it extend 65 centimeters. The bottom of the handle was a switchblade that could detach if needed. She took a deep breath and steeped outside. She zipped down the halls, pausing only to open a secret passage. The secret passage started in the grain storage and opened in an empty room that joined into a hallway that narrowed fast. Swiftly leaping over the bump in the end, Kate turned and did the grape vine down the rapidly narrowing halls. She slowed down and walked in. She made a point to keep it cool as she entered the training yard. "Hey, Adrian." Adrian was Kate's personal trainer. She trained Kate to fight. Adrian had long, dark hair, dark gray eyes, and a very rare smile. She was also leaning against a wall, hands on her sword, eyes closed as she waited for Kate. "Not just me." Adrian slowly opened her eyes and stood up as Kate looked around in fake surprises.

"MOM!!!" Kate acted exited, when she truly wanted to stab the queen with a sword.

"Kate! Let's talk about training so far." The queen glanced up; eyes bright with excitement. "Your dismissed, Adrian."

"Yes, your majesty." Adrian bowed and walked away. As Kate watched Adrian walk away, she felt a minor stab of disappointment. The queen looked around. Upon seeing no one else, she continued, "It's time to slay your first dragon." Kate stared up in horror. Kate was able to make it look like Excitement form years of royal training. "Today? Now? How? I'm not ready? Wait, no. That last one was supposed to be a statement." The queen took a deep breath, put her hand on her shoulders, and replied, "you leave for the mountains today. Tomorrow, you kill a dragon with your sword. Day after tomorrow, you return home, as queen, having avenged the village of Tahy." Kate gasped. Queen? Avenge her village? She had to do this. The queen, or her 'mother' broke into her thoughts "you need rest. Remember the burning of Tahy." Kate smiled, thanked her mother for the chance, and excused turning to go.

"Oh and send me that brother of yours." Kate cringed inside. River still hadn't told her.

"Of course, mother."

Kate took off towards the western tower where River was most likely reading. She ignored all the respectful stops of staff, and the tips of the castle's layout. Kate had been living here for two years, and so she had the layout memorized. She was used to the door to Rivers' room being closed, so she had her hands out to stop herself from running into the door. The problem was that the door was open. Wide open. Kate ran into the room, looking like a really fast zombie, not including the green skin. Kate eventually fell backwards after hitting River's dresser. She looked up to see her little Sibling looking from where they were reading. "Busy day, sis?" River cocked their head innocently. Meanwhile, Kate groaned.

"You have no idea."

"Your right, I don't." Rivers extended a hand to help her up. "Want to fill me in?"

"Mom wants to see you." There was a pause of a few seconds.

"You know," Rivers said "I do remember the burning. I'm only two years older." In unison, the two walked to the bed and plopped down on its dark blue sheets. River laid down, and Kate sat on the edge listening to River. "I remember the heat..."

"The fear..." Kate chipped in.

"And mom's furiousness when you asked questions instead of running."

"And the way dad ran out to fight."

"Ya know," River looked over at Kate "It helped to think of the queen as mom, but when it wasn't needed anymore, I was so used to it." The two fell into another silence, until Rivers sat up, "right, I need to go answer to the queen." He called her the queen for Kate's benefit. "And... I need to get rest. I guess." Kate made a weird face while Rivers ginned from ear to ear.

"I herd the news. Congratulations, should I call you your majesty now?"

Kate rolled her eyes. "We're still siblings, Rivers. Your royal title shall be... Sibling to the prince." The two walked out side by side and peeled apart at the door. "Bye." River waved cheerfully.


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