Chapter 5 the town of Ilbu, and Meg's blood

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Kate sat upon a pure black horse, backpack on her back, Edith in her hip bag, sword sheathed to her waist opposite of Edith. A group of 15 guards were with her. The 'guards' were the most trusted slayers in all of the slayer lands. Kate was wearing long sleeves, not ideal for hours in the hot sun. "Ready, your majesty?" It was Adrian. Adrian who had been with Kate since the burning of Tahy. Adrian was mounted on the white horse, Wind. Wind was fast, and skilled. "Your majesty?" Kate realized he was talking to her. "O-oh, yes. I-I'm ready." Adrian saw the nervousness in Kate.

"Don't worry, they all were scared with our first dragon, and second, and third, and all. We just got good at masking it." Kate smiled at Adrian, relieved to know that the guards were at least half expecting her to be a nervous wreck. Adrian took a deep breath and called out, "ALRIGHT! LET'S MOVE OUT! NO SLACKING OFF! FORMATION!" The guards formed a tight circle around Kate to 'protect' her. Kate turned back and saw Rivers holding up his left hand. River's left hand was split. Thumb, pinky, and the other three. Kate lifted up her right hand, split into the three segments. "Bye." She whispered." Adrian was always circling when they moved. Kate looked forward and kept the black horse moving. "Let's get this over with, Ash." She whispered to her horse.

It was noon when they reached the village of Ilbu. A solder ran up, to talk to Adrian. Kate dismounted and looked around. The village was small, maybe more of a war camp then a village. Kate would have thought so, had she of not seen a lot of children under ten. The age of ten was when a child started their training. Kate had started at eleven, given that they weren't expecting to need to know how to fight. Adrian leaned over and muttered something to one of the other guards who went up to Kate. "Your majesty, shall we stay here for the hanging of a traitor? A spy for the marked." He said marked with such hate it made Kate nervous. "Um, yes. What's this village called?

"Ilbu. Anything else, your majesty?"

"Who is it?" Ilbu was were Meg lived. It still confused Kate as how Meg got there. Although, if Meg used a dragon, it'd be pretty easy.

"Megan Anna Donner" the guard replied. Kate tried to hide her shock.

"Megan Anna Donner?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Yes, I think we shall stay." If Meg wasn't marked, then there was no way she could escape. If the slayers found our Kate was marked, she'd be doomed. Kate could rescue Meg, and maybe get the protection of the underground. "Where's her cell?"

"Over in that cave."

"Thank you." Kate tried to hide her nervousness.

"The execution will happen at dusk." Kate nodded, and the guard went away. Kate took Ash to the stables and fed and watered Ash before leaving for Meg's prison.

"I'll be in the stables." Kate had told Adrian.

"Whatever you're going to do, please be careful."

"Ok, Ash. Stay silent. Lay low. Eat. Drink." These were commands that Kate had taught Ash. Hopefully, the horse fallowed the commands. Kate slipped out of the stall and made her way to the cave that the guard had pointed to. Two soldiers were guarding the cave.

Kate tried just walking in, but they blocked her. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but we can't let you see the prisoner." Said the one on the left.

"You see, she has a way of fighting. She killed 7 and wounded another 12." Kate looked at them crossly. "I am Kate Swordstone. Let me in." The two soldiers immediately bowed.

"Yes, your majesty" and then parted to let her in. Kate walked into the damp, dark cave. It took a minute or two to reach the bottom. "I told you, no! I'm not telling anything. You can hurt me, threaten to starve me, but I will NOT betray the marked! They did nothing wrong! You won't get anything out of me!" Kate turned the last corner. "So, you're wasting your-" Meg looked up. She had many cuts all over. Blood matted her short, black hair. A very long one that went all the way down her left arm was sure to turn into a scar. "MEG! What have they done to you?!" Meg winced away from Kate's hug.

"Please don't." Meg looked at her sadly in all of her pain.

"Sorry. Who did this?" Meg looked down.

"The guards. They were tasked with getting information out of me. Look, Kate. I did this because it's what's right, and I don't regret it. I'm sorry you can't see good in dragons. Not all marked are like-"

"I know, Meg. I met Skylar. He explained everything. I'm marked." Kate informed Meg. Meg looked up at her. "Really?"

"Yes." Kate squeezed Meg's hand. "Meg, I'm gonna save you, ok? The execution won't happen." Meg looked up from the floor she was laying on.

"Ok." It was almost a whisper as Meg closed her eyes and fell asleep. Kate slowly stood up and walked away quietly. When she got out, she looked to the guard on the left, noticing that they had blood on their sword. "No more hurting her, or you'll only have a dead body to execute." The guard looked shocked.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Oh, one more thing, I was never here."

"Of corse, your majesty." Kate walked away and washed off the blood before slipping back into the stalls.

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