Chapter 4 a midnight in a clam shell, and another sentimental moment.

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It was sometime around midnight when Kate walked into the market. The market was, well, a market. When she found the market she was looking for, it was a giant dirt square with stereotypical stands for selling stuff. Kate checked several shell stands, sea shells (the category of shells is way too broad.) nut shells, (what are those being sold for?) and snail shells. (Did they find them, or rip out the snails?) Kate finally found the right booth after the third snail shell It was the only one lit up. "Hello! What are you looking for? Live oysters, shells, or dead oysters? Or, perhaps, a lobster?"

"Um..." Kate bit her lip. "There's this person who told me to look for him here, his name is Skylar."

"Oh, Him." The person who had had a smiley face a few seconds earlier, now looked severely disappointed. Kate took note of the disappointment, and she hurried to compensate him. "Here, I'll buy some clams. Business must be slow at night." Kate smiled sympathetically.

"It is." Their person agreed. "Amount and Dead or alive?"

"Uhm 5 and ...Dead?" The vendor muttered something under his breath before addressing Kate, "Coming up. Skylar's back there." The vendor started cooking some already dead Clams.

Kate walked back behind the booth, finding a crevice that Skylar was somehow squeezed into. "Hello, Kate."

"Hello. So, about the tower of fire... could you tell me more?"

"Yea, sure. Might want to sit down." Kate did, not wanting to be rude. Skylar slowly walked out of the crevice so he could fully breathe before joining her.

"Alright, so the pillar of fire consists of traitors from the underground. Their first act of terror became know to all as the burning of Tahy. Before, yeah, there had been threats issued by us... But we never acted on them. The attack on Tahy was when the Underground split off. A tower of fire member got captured, and acted like he was still a dragon underground person. Now, we get blamed for all of the bad things that happen. It wasn't only the people of Tahy who were lost. I-I understand your sadness about it. I lost my oldest brother when he and his dragon were battling the flames. If you join us, we can help you get revenge."


"The dragon underground. Or D.U your choice what you call it." Kate narrowed her eyes, trying to decide if she believed his story. She was starting to realize that maybe it could be true, but still...

"You clams are ready!" Kate glanced up.

"Well, I should go now."

"Uh, yea, bye." Skylar replied as Kate left.

"So, how much?" Kate asked.

"Read the sign. 10 coins for 5 clams." Geese. That's expensive. Kate thought.





"7. That's the highest I'm paying." The Vendor glared at her. "Fine. 7 it is." Trying not to grin, but miserably failing, Kate payed 7 coins, and walked away happily. 8 was all she had had on her. Kate walked back to the castle and slipped into bed.

The next morning, she woke up exhausted. She had not slept enough, Edith, however, was super energetic. She was thinking things like

When are we leaving?


Whatcha gonna do?


Hurry up


Your still not out of bed!

"YOWCH!" Kate bolted upright. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Kate instinctively yanked her feet back. Her oh-so-great majesty had bitten her toes.

You wouldn't get up.

"Anyone teach you manners? I'll start, BITING PEOPLE IS NOT OK!" Kate admonished Edith as she started to stand up.

No. I hatched last night. Manners are not a knowledge I was born with.

"Well, you should learn it." Kate walked over to her dresser and picked up a comb.

What's the point? So I can ask those who will want us dead over to tea?

"Keep you mouth, sorry," Kate winced as she hit a tangle in her hair, "mind shut for me, will ya? Keep in mind I control the food." Kate pointed her hair bush threateningly at Edith in an intimidation attempt. It quite clearly worked.

You wouldn't! I'm the last royal dragon! Kate went to her desk

"And I'm a slayer. See the problem?" Kate put her pen and paper into her backpack. "Coming?"


Kate put Edith in her waist bag and walked into the kitchen.

Kate quickly ate, grabbed the food for the trip, and gathered sword maintenance materials to put in her backpack. Her last stop was River's room.

"Hey, River."

"Hey, sis." River looked at her, slightly sad. they had always had a soft spot for dragons that only Kate knew about. Kate sat down on the bed, an idea hatching. A revenge for her toes. A grin spread across her face as she asked river, "How would you like to hold a baby dragon?"

"I think I'd like it, but I would probably have to be marked." Kate smiled slightly.

No! Don't Edith begged. Please! I'll never bite you agin. Or anyone. Just don't- Kate ignored Edith's begging. "I need to be honest." Kate split her right hand into three parts, the thumb, the pinkie, and the other three. She held it out. Rivers looked at her extended right hand, and made the same symbol with his left hand. River's palm was up, Kate's was down. The two put their hands together, palms connected. Kate curled her hand as Rivers did. It was a sign they had made up when they were little. Protection, truth, and, most importantly, keeping secrets. "What is it?" Rivers asked. Kate took a deep breath.

"I'm marked. I think I'll ditch the guards and live in the forest." Kate reached for Edith with her left hand. "Want to meet my dragon, Edith?" River's eyes glowed.

"Yea!" Kate picked up Edith, still tuning out her please. River petted Edith gently with his right hand. Their pets seemed to soothe Edith... a bit."When?" River asked, staring at the little dragon in awe.


"Right, well, we best not get caught." River turned their gaze from the dragonling, disappointed.

"I guess." Kate agreed. They both broke the symbol, And Kate got up to leave.

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