Chapter 3 Edith the dragon, and Skylar the marked.

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Kate finally got to her room after a while. She went over to her dark oak desk. It was a simple desk, carved carefully, and it had enough space to put her ink and quill (top right) blank paper, (top left) and in progress stuff (top center) well still being able to work. She crouched down and felt the underside for a box. She pulled it out, and sifted through it, finding a gray stone from her trip to Stbu. She had all sorts of rocks; big rocks, small rocks, black rocks, white rocks, red rocks, green rocks, black rocks, and everything in between. Eventually, she found her stone from Tetha. Tetha had been a place she had visited to give resources to after a scorching. Scorchings weren't as bad as burnings. most don't survive burnings. For example, Kate and rivers were the only found survivors of Tahy. The next rock Kate looked at was dark orange, with a trace of blue and green seeping around it. Kate went to set it down and paused. She looked closer. A black line was going through the middle. Kate looked even closer and realized that it was a crack. "Hello?" Kate whispers, shocked and quietly "you there?" The rock was big, about the side of her fist. I've been here long before you. I have waited sunsets waiting for you to be ready to hatch from your cocoon of safety. The voice was more of a high pitched whisper, very quiet, and yet she understood it perfectly. Kate stumbled back. "W-Who are you? What do you want?" A shape emerged from under her bed behind her. I am Edith, the last descendent of the royal dragon blood line. I remained dormant for years until I found the right one. I, Edith marked you as my own. Briefly, a flame mark appeared on the dragon's right forearm. Edith was about a foot longand had a streak of red, white, green, and blue running down her spine. Her paws were a light purple, and her eyes a light pink. Aside from that, Edith was a very dark black. "Ok... so, I've got a small dragon, and now I'm marked by the last royal dragon?! Let me guess, Meg's a marked rider? Edith snorted. Or was it Edith? "So close, yet still far off. Megan isn't actually marked. She's just helping us out" Kate spun around, facing the source of the noise by her window. This day was just full of surprises. "What do you want?" Kate questioned the voice. The source of the voice was a boy. He was an average high, brown hair, eyes that almost no one could describe, grayish hazel-ish. "Not much, just to talk."

"If mom catches whoever you are in my room, you'll be executed by sunrise."

"Let me rephrase this. Get out, now!" Kate hurled a knife at him.

"I just want to talk!" The boy shrieked as he expertly dodged the knife that Kate had hurled at her. "Ok?" Kate was a fast knife thrower, and anyone who could doge those knifes had skill. She figured she could learn something from him. "Ok. I'm listening. You have five minutes."

"Alright, first, sorry about scarring you. Security hates marked, ya know."

"Cut to the chase."

"Right, so... uh, this is just what I tell all of the new marked. Don't get caught, yes, that flame turns real, don't burn down the city/town/wherever." He paused "name's Skylar, and now for the not so basic common-sense stuff." Skylar took another breath and slowed down. "I'm sorry about the burning of Tahy, my friend's older brother died fighting the traitors, those who set fire to Tahy. It isn't right, what they did. Not all marked represent the tower of fire, that's what they call them selves. Ok, my time's nearly up, I'll be at the market shell stall if you want more! Bye!" With that, Skylar jumped out the window, and disappeared. "What just happened?"

I can't believe that any dragon would choose him. What marked him? A mud dragon? Kate wondered Great, now Kate was alone with Edith. Kate turned to the high and might dragonling who was toying with the bed sheet. Ah, crap. That was hanging over. Kate went over to fix it, and she found herself looking into the dragonling's eyes. Could she really bring herself to kill it? Maybe Kate would go to learn more. After all, maybe they could help Kate unmark herself. Play nice.


I herd you thought.

"So unfair."

Night. I can cover for you.

"It's only noon! And, how can a dragon cover for me?"

You'll need to sneak out to see him tonight. I have a few... plans.

" know I have to kill a dragon, right?"

I hope it's a tower of fire.

"We'll, ok. Good night." Edith went down beneath the bed, and Kate on top of the bed. Kate couldn't stop thinking about what to do. Would River be ok if she left? If she stayed, what would she do with Edith? It was just a child. A dragonling, she reminded herself.

Please silence your thoughts. Edith interrupted.

"I can't. And- wait- are you reading my mind?" When Edith didn't respond, Kate looked down to see the last of the royal dragons curled up next to her... the human tasked with killing a dragon to prove herself.

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