It's now been a few months, almost a year since race sent the letter . Spot was hating the world , hating himself ; race was dying with every passing day.
Race woke up .he dreamt of spot , of the life he wanted but now he's back in reality. He got up , looked in the mirror , grabbed scissors and cut the the flowers branches off so he could go out in public.
He got dressed and walked out the door. He moped his way to the circulation gate. No one talked to race anymore not even jack or Les so he just stood there until he got his papes then fled .
He counted his money on the way to his spot.
No he thought that can't be right. Race had found out he had enough money for food and his papes. He decided that he has been moping for to long as soon as he sold his papes he was going to go to Sheepshead . He was going to start gambling again.He quickly sold his papes with his need to go, he knew this would be good for him .
He rushed there , brought the brochure then he noticed the beautiful boy sitting next to him .
It's Spot . Shit
" Racer Oh my , it's you ."
Sorry if this is bad
@broadway_turtle Said I should do a reunion. I will do more on this .
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