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I tap my fingers against the steering wheel my eyes flickering from the road to the back seat where my daughter sits, as I drive back home from our doctors appointment

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I tap my fingers against the steering wheel my eyes flickering from the road to the back seat where my daughter sits, as I drive back home from our doctors appointment.

I was on the phone to Rosie earlier this morning and I'm starting to grow worried about her, each time I face time her she has more bruises than the last. I know she's lying to me about how she's gotten them, she's clumsy but not that clumsy.

Something weird is going on and I need to know what, I'm upset she doesn't feel like she can confide in me. We always tell each other everything and ever since she's moved to New York she's been distant.

I drive through the large metal front gates to my home and shake away the bad thoughts pulling into the driveway, I turn off the ignition and hop out the car picking up Luna out of her car seat.

I push open the front door and I immediately come face to face with Ezra, to say I'm shocked is an understatement. Even though he's Luna's godfather he's not around much. He hasn't been around much since him and Rosie broke up and I'm guessing it's because we bring back all the memories of them.

"Ezra, hey." I speak up keeping my eyes on him as I put my keys down on cupboard next to the door. Luna leans her head on my shoulder and I stroke her hair.

He stuffs his hands in his Jean pockets rocking back and forth on his heels "Hey." He whispers out. His eyes flicking from me to Luna that's curled up in my arms.

"What are you doing here." I ask, my brows pinching together in confusion. I know I shouldn't even be speaking to him but Aaron says he's changed a lot since Rosie left.

He brings his hand up and runs his fingers through his hair, pushing his outgrown hair out of his face, "I- I know I've been distant. Like, you know. I haven't been around much, I thought- maybe it's time to step up to being a godfather." He stumbles over his words.

A soft gasp leaves my lips at his words, I'm really surprised he wants to be in our lives since Rosie. Me and Aaron always hoped he'd come around and now that he finally has I don't really know what to say.

"I- wow." I stutter. I muster up a smile "I'm happy that you've finally come around, Ezra." I nod slowly at him.

His eyes travel down to Luna resting in my arms he looks like he's fighting a battle in his mind "Can I-can I hold her?" He asks, his eyes trained on my daughter.

I stroke Luna's head and kiss her forehead "Baby, this is your uncle Ezra." I coo, she lifts her head up and looks up at him with her beautiful doe eyes. She smiles up at him and holds out her arms making grabby hands at him.

A smile etches onto his lips as he steps forward and gently takes her out of my arms into his, he holds her so delicately like she's made of glass. "Hey ladybug, aren't you beautiful." He coos over her.

I fold my arms across my chest, my smile is so big that my cheeks are hurting. Seeing Ezra finally stepping up to be apart of our lives again makes me happy and I know Aaron will be happy too.

I grab my phone out of my sweatshort pockets tapping the camera icon and snapping a photo of Ezra smiling down at Luna as Luna holds his index finger grinning up at him. I send it to Aaron and pocket my phone "Would you like anything to drink?" I speak up.

He takes his eyes off Luna for a second "Yes please." He nods and then smiles back down at Luna kissing her small tanned hands.


"Baby why did you send me a photo of Ezra holding our baby girl?" Aaron shouts from the front door, He's just finished his training session.

I lean against the kitchen counter smiling over at Ezra sat on the living room floor with Luna playing with her toys. A few seconds go by and Aaron walks into the room like his ass is on fire, his eyes fall from me to Ezra on the floor.

"Ezra? What- what are you doing here?" He chokes out, dropping his bag on the floor by his feet. Ezra snaps his head to look over at Aaron who stands with his shoulders slumped and his his eyes swirling with so much emotion.

I take a sip of my water and walk around the counter into the living room, I kneel down and pick up Luna holding her to my chest "we'll give you guys some space." I smile down at Ezra and walk out of the room kissing Aaron on the cheek "Be nice." I whisper sternly before leaving to go upstairs.

As soon as I'm upstairs I hear shouting, and things being thrown around. I knew Aaron would react this way because of how much Ezra leaving hurt him. I know Aaron like the back of my hand and he'll forgive him after he's beat the shit out of him.

I sit Lana down on my bed and pass her the iPad playing Bluey, her eyes are glued to the iPad. She grabs it in between her little fingers and lays on the bed. I walk over to my draws and grab the picture frame that holds a picture of me Amars and Rosie.

It's from when we were in college the boys took a photo of us laughing in the classroom. The three of us were inseparable, but between me having Luna, Amara getting into a relationship with Atlas and Rosie moving all the way out to New York. We don't see each other anymore.

I feel so alone and no one knows it, Aaron is always at training, the boys are barely around, Amara is busy with working for her brothers company and well Rosie she's miles away.

No one told me how lonely I would get once having a baby, how your trapped in the house constantly and not having anyone to talk to. I love Luna and I wouldn't go back and change anything but sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to.

I tear slips out of my eyes and falls onto the glass of the picture frame. I miss having Rosie around, ever since she's gotten into a relationship with Koby she's been very distant and off with everyone.

Atlas is constantly moping around because Rosie doesn't speak to him, she's not his partner in crime anymore. It kills me to see Atlas like this but I honestly know how it feels to lose your best friend.


Quinn's outfit:

Quinn's outfit:

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