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Fucking Christ

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Fucking Christ.
My head is about to explode. It isn't helping that everyone in this arena are shouting, fuck. I understand it's a big game and all but jeez there is no need to be so loud.

We're still in the first half of the game, Quinn is sat to my left and Ashton to my right. Mars is next to Quinn and nat is next to Ashton. I haven't been paying much mind to the game, my eyes have been occupied on the kiss cam.

God it's my favourite part of these games, I've never had it land on me which I don't mind but, I love seeing couples stare into each others eyes before falling into a kiss, smiling into each other.

Or strangers, laughing or looking shocked before kissing each other. It's the highlight of my night seeing this kind of stuff. I keep my eyes on the kiss cam and my brows scrunch when I see my reflection on the giant screen.

Quinn shoves my shoulder "Rosie! Oh my god your on the kiss cam!" She squeals. Clapping her hands excitedly, her eyes open wide.

My eyes fall back to the screen and I wipe my eyes hoping I'm just hallucinating but clearly I'm not because I'm still on the screen with Ashton.

I feel Ashton's warm breath on my cheek "We don't have to if you don't want to." He whispers. I turn my face towards him, our lips inches away from each other.

My eyes fall to his lips then back to his eyes, my tongue darting out to wet my bottom lip. His eyes zero in on the action, "No, no it's fine." I whisper, my breathing speeding up.

A boyish grin appears on his face and he nods, his eyes still staring at my glossy lips. I bite down on my lip and he brings his hand up, his thumb pulling my lip out of my teeth.

I close my eyes when he gets close enough, I can feel his lip skim past mine for a moment before there's a banging. Startled I jump away from Ashton and snap my head to the sound.

Ezra stands on the other side of the plexiglass banging his glove clad fists on the glass. "Get the fuck off her, now!" He roars, the entire arena going silent.

A shiver rolls down my spine at his tone. I bite down on my bottom lip staring at him, my eyes never leaving him. I forgot how hot he looks when he's jealous and possessive.

"What the fuck are you doing? It's a kiss cam you idiot!" Ashton shouts back, waving his hand around. My snap my head to the girls raising my brows in 'what the fuck is going on?'.

They shake their heads shrugging their shoulders. I turn my head back to Ashton and before I can even utter a word he presses his warm full lips to mine.

I press my palm to his chest, wanting to push him away but somehow I can't. I'm stuck, his lips mould into mine like a missing puzzle piece. His tongue slides across my bottom lip, I moan into his mouth.

I finally sober up and push at his chest, he stops the kiss and moves away from me staring down into my eyes. I bring my hand up to my mouth pressing my fingers to my lips.

A scream rips out of me when Ashton gets shoved onto the ground, the boy gets on top of him and throws a punch to his jaw. My eyes scan the guy's jersey, the number 21 and Beckham written on the back.

I gasp and jump to my feet, I rush over to them grabbing Ezra's shoulders. "Ezra! Let go!" I shout. He doesn't hear me nor does he stop, he keeps throwing punch after punch to Ashton's face.

I feel the blood drain from my face when I spot blood pouring out of Ashton's nose and mouth, a cut forming above his eyebrow. I shake Ezra's shoulders hoping he'll stop but no avail. I wrap my arms around Ezra tears streaming down my face "Ezra, please stop." I sob into his shoulder.

A second goes by and everything stops, it's silent. I feel Ezra move but I don't let go of him, he turns in my hold and wraps his arms around my waist tugging me into him.

Choked sobs break out of me, tears coming down full force. His lifts me up and on instinct I wrap my legs around his waist, I feel him carrying me somewhere but I can't acknowledge anything.

I can't breathe, I can't stop crying, I can feel my lungs gasping for air. Death is near. That's how this feels like, my breathing is quickening, panic forming in my chest.


Ezra pulls my head out of his neck and holds my face with his big calloused hands. His eyes darting between my eyes "I'm here, baby." He whispers. "Breathe for me. You can do it, baby." He presses his forehead to mine.

I focus my hearing on his breathing, counting each breath he takes in. His eyes are focused on his brown orbs, minutes go by and my grip loosens on his hips and my breathing slows, the panic washing away.

I let out a long breath and close my eyes resting my head against his forehead. He drops his hands from my face, one wraps around my waist and the other runs through my hair.

"Thank you." I rasp out. I bring my hands up and rest them on his chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath my fingertips.

He pushes my head softly with his one head and I look up at him, he leans down and places a soft kiss to my forehead. "Your okay." He breathes out.

It's not really a statement it's more like he's reassuring himself. Like he's making himself believe that I'm okay, like he's convincing himself.

I stare into his eyes, guilt and sadness swirling in his brown hues. His eyebrows are scrunches together, a line forming between his brows. I lift my hand up slowly, hesitating slightly but decide to go ahead anyway, I smooth out the line on his forehead.

The corners of his lips tilt up, that gorgeous smile I've always loved forming on his lips. "I've missed that." He hums, his grip on my hips tightening.

"Huh?" I raise my brows, confused. I tuck my red hair behind my ear, peering up at him through my dark lashes. He strokes his finger down the bridge of my nose.

Shaking his head "You, soothing out my wrinkle." He leans forward rubbing his nose against mine. I melt into his embrace, enjoying the familiarity, being around him again.

He's the kind of boy you crave conversation with, he makes me feel heard, and seen. He's the type of boy you want to be with forever, to grow old with, to have kids, he's everything and more.

I need him back.
He's my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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