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So I may have done something very impulsive

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So I may have done something very impulsive.

I push open the door of the hair salon exiting letting the breeze dance through my new hair. I pull my Prada sunglasses over my eyes blocking the sun, walking over to my car that's parked on the side of the road.

I unlock my car and hop in dropping my handbag in the passenger seat. I connect my phone to the car after the engine roars to life. I pull down my sun visor and look over my new hair.

I decided to do something bold with my appearance, I was slowly starting to get bored with my brown hair, they say hair holds memories and my chestnut hair held too many memories that I wanted to forget.

So, I dyed my hair bright red. Yes very bold of me shall I say. To be honest I actually love it, it's fresh and vibrant. It goes with my green eyes perfectly and matches my tan skin.

God, I look hot.

I snap a quick photo and send it to my mother and then send one to Nat. Nat has always tried to persuade me into doing something different with my hair but I never listened.

I pull off the curb and make my way to my house where Nat is waiting for me. She said she has a surprise waiting for me and I fucking hate surprises and she knows it. But, she'll do anything to piss me off.

I swing my car door open and pile out of my car my heeled boots clicking against the ground. I lock my car and reach for my house keys out of my purse, I stop in my tracks at the steps of my front porch when I hear the door across the street slam shut.

I turn my head over my shoulder looking across the street at the white painted house, with white picket fences surrounding it. My eyes stop on my brother, he sits on the steps of his porch with a cigarette resting between his lips.

My nose involuntarily scrunches up in disgust at the sight, I've never been one to like cigarettes. Neither has my brother. His eyes are drawn to the phone in his hand, I spot Amara sat in the window with a concerned filled looks on her face.

I really wish I could just run over there and envelope Atlas in my arms tell him how sorry I am but I know I can't. I'm not healed yet, my face is still bruised, I still have cuts littering my body, bandages everywhere. Stitches in my face. He doesn't need to see me like this.

I drop my keys on the ground and Atlas's head snaps up to me, I quickly look away and snatch my keys off the ground before sprinting over to my front door unlocking it and dashing inside the house.

With the slamming of the front door shutting I press my back against the door and exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I drop my head back against the door and close my eyes drawing my lip into my mouth stopping it from wobbling.

Just breathe Rose.


"Rosie? You good babe?" Nat's voice startles me. She pokes her head out of the living room giving me a concerned look.

I nod, catching my breath. I straighten my posture and walk towards her plastering a fake smile on my face. She raises her eye brows and gives me her 'are you serious' look.

I huff and shove at her shoulder "why do you know me so well?" I groan throwing myself onto the couch. I kick my feet up on the glass coffee table in front of me.

I heave my feet back on the floor when an image of me on top of a glass broken table, all bloody and bruised flashed in my mind. I decide to just leave my feet firmly against the ground.

"I can read you like a book, rose." She speaks up. "Now, tell me what's up?" She plops down on the couch right beside me, she places a hand on my thigh.

I turn my head and look out of the living room window back to where Atlas was once sat, only to find the spot empty. I cast my eyes down to my lap swallowing thickly.

"I saw Atlas." My voice is quiet and strained. I don't feel like crying right now. She goes to speak but I cut her off "I just really want to see him, nat. I wish I could go over there and tell him how sorry I am." My voice cracks, tears welling in my eyes.

Nat hums and wraps and arm around my shoulder, "of course you do, he's your brother, rose." She rubs her hand up and down my arm comfortingly. "Right now, you need to heal, rose. If you go over there it will hinder your healing process."

I know she's right. I know I need to stay away from him when I look like this. He will lose his shit all over again if he finds out what went down between me and koby. He'll either kill me, or kill koby.

I nod my head and lean against her shoulder basking in the comfort, I hear a pattern of feet and I snap my head to the sound. My entire face lights up when Luna waddles into the living room with a grin on her face.

"Oh right, this was your surprise by the way. Quinn wanted someone to watch Luna while her and Aaron went out for a date. I offered to take care of her." Nat smiles, scooping Luna into her hands and placing her on my lap.

"Oh my. How's my little girl doing?" I smile, rubbing my nose against hers. She lets out a little giggle and my nerves ease. Everything I was thinking about has been thrown out the window and all I can think about is my little niece.

"Good!" She squeals, clapping her hands excitedly. Nat rises from the couch and smiles at us before walking into the kitchen. Leaving me with this little bundle of joy.

This has got to be the best surprise ever. I've not spent any time with Luna since getting back to Michigan, I'm glad I've got her for the night. It's time to show this little girl who her favourite auntie is made of.

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