Chapter 1

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Sreeshanvika sat on the couch nervously. She looked around the polished house of their Adhiza. It wasn't everyday that their Adhiza Sadashiv gave her a mental call and ordered to come over at his house. She had absolutely no clue why he called her suddenly. She was an insignificant, quite wolf minus the wolf. Unless someone needed to be entertained by mocking and intimidating her, she was pretty much ignored.

A tremor run through her again. Though it had been hours since she dreamt of him, the effects were still in place. She was going to visit Acharya (mentor) Nabgah at the temple. He was one of the elders of the Samuday. Unlike others he pursued spiritual awakening and occasionally guided those who needed to be. Besides he was the only one she could seek help from.

"Sreeshanvika." Adhiza Sadashiv caught her attention as he entered the room. Sreeshanvika stood awkwardly nodding respectfully in acknowledgement.

"Sit down. How have you been doing? I heard you started helping at the daycare?"

"Yes. I love being around kids. So...." Her voice trailed off at the end. The Varahadri Samuday looked after it's members by providing food supplies and necessities. But they needed to earn it by being useful in the community. And since she couldn't be a warrior, she had to be useful in other ways.

"That's good. I have been thinking about you recently. You're a beautiful young lady. Your parents would be so proud if they were here."
The mention of her parents gave Sreeshanvika a pause. Her parents had died terribly in an attack a few years ago.

"If only you could shift, you would be an excellent addition to the Samuday." Adhiza Sadashiv continued. "Anyways, you are at a perfect age to make a wolf happy. Dushyant has asked for your hand for mating. What do you think?"

Sreeshanvika blinked a few times idiotically. Her mind was trying to figure out what exactly the Adhiza said. Was he suggesting an arranged mating for her? With Dushyant?!

Now it wasn't uncommon to arrange a mating or willingly chosing someone to mate with in their Samuday. But Sreeshanvika never thought about actually mating with someone. She had no wolf. She was only a human with sharp senses. Who would want to mate her when there wasn't anyone who would even be seen with her?

Dushyant! Who else? The creep who was the bully of their pack. He drew sick pleasure from humiliating and torturing the weak. And Sreeshanvika had been his favorite plaything for years.

Sreeshanvika fisted her hands as she remembered the time when he had beat her, ripped her clothes off and made her stand outside the gym holding her ears in shame. Tears pricked her eyes as she remembered that day. She had been made to stand there in the rain all day while everyone watched. The alternative had been to lick Dushyant's feet and ask for forgiveness. Her fault? She had been too slow to clean the area where they practiced.

And now her Adhiza asked her to mate with that wolf pretending nothing was wrong there. No! He didn't ask. Sreeshanvika's mind supplied. He was politely ordering her. She felt the force of his command in her mind. He was trying to coax her mind to say yes and do his biding while exerting his authority.

"But why would anyone want me? I wouldn't be anything but a burden to him." She said instead. The indirect objection made Sadashiv frown. He didn't have time to waste on her. A swift command should have been enough.

"Don't think of yourself like that. We do look after our own. And Dushyant is a strong warrior. He will protect and provide for you. And you'll manage the household and take care of his needs. You'll make a lovely couple, trust me."

Trust him?! Yeah.

"I would like to give it some thought. Thank you." Sreeshanvika lied to his face while panicking inside.

Sadashiv's face hardened. What was there to think? He was giving a golden opportunity to this weakling. Dushyant was an idiot in his opinion, but then she was the daughter of his former Upagraya (Beta). He saw why Dushyant wanted her. Though she never shifted, mentally she was as strong as could be expected, even more so. Any other wolf in her place would not dare say a word more than 'gladly' and bow to him with her tongue out. But she sat unwavering to his authority. Interesting.

"Okay then. I'll announce your mating at this month's gathering." Sadashiv said decisively and stood up dismissing her. Sreeshanvika froze for a second before she dragged herself out.

As she came outside, a loud gasp left her.

"Hey Krishna!"

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