Chapter 10

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The glowing rays of Chandradev provided no warmth to Sreeshanvika tonight. It felt hollow. As it was the night when she was to be mated. The whole samuday buzzed with restrained energy. Something was happening. Something big! But no one knew what it was.

In the past weeks, there had been hushed whispers of the confused members of the samuday who had no idea what was going on or going to happen.

They had prepared for this full moon unlike any before. Their Adhiza had ordered to prepare for a grand celebration. The main house of the samuday had been shut down with patrols ensuring no one went there. Guests had started to arrive. The Adhizas of other samudays and powerful Vrikajinas were invited and stayed in the pack house. What was going on was unknown. But there had been suspicion that there was going to be a change in power.

The history of Vrikajinas were going to change.

And a feeling of utter foreboding had taken residence inside Sreeshanvika. Something was wrong. She couldn't point what it was that was giving her the chills. But there was something, just out of her reach, that loomed over her like dark clouds.

"Sree?" A shiver ran through her spine at the voice. "It's time."
Uma called her.

"What's happening, Uma? Why are Asuras here?" Sreeshanvika asked gulping in fear nervously.

"I don't know. But nothing good can come from tonight." Uma said sighing.

"Are you really going to mate Dushyant, Sree?" Uma asked in contempt. She was disgusted by Sreeshanvika's decision at this point.

Sreeshanvika as a last resort to save herself, had decided to mate Dushyant. Hoping it would damage the bond between her and that half dead wolf enough to give her a chance at survival. Another reason for this decision was the rising feeling of foreboding. Since the time she saw him, after the initial shock wore off, a bone chilling fear had taken residence inside her. Warning bells were ringing in her mind. Something in her was telling to get away from that Vrikajina. Telling her not to remain anywhere near the beast who was supposedly her mate. She had no answer to the question why she was feeling like that. But her instincts were scaring her away from him.

"I have decided. It's for the better." Sreeshanvika replied ignoring the twisting pain of her heart.

Uma didn't know either to laugh at the absurdity of the idea or feel sorry for the poor Vrikajina. That was the problem with this half breed, over smart generation of Vrikajinas. Rather than accepting the blessings given by God and understanding the facts, they rejected those and ran after illusions like chosen mates.

"Fine. Then let's go! The priest is waiting for the marriage."


"What do you mean he escaped?!"

"The----they---came an---d to----ok hiiiiim!"



Mayasur gasped out through the strong hold. Blood was trickling down from where the elongated nails of the Vrikajina pierced his neck.

"Bhar---gav and his D----deeefenders were-- alssssooooo------ wwwith himmmm!"

"This cannot happen now! No!!!!" Dhundumar threw the asur away as he shouted in rage.

Not now! Not after all these centuries. Nishav could not make an appearance now. He wouldn't!

Or had he changed his mind? It wasn't an impossible thought. After all power was something that could break even the strongest of the righteous ones. Though Nishav had vowed not to sit on the throne, but it was his to take.

He was the damn Yuvraj (crown prince) of Vrikajinas after all!

After Samrat Kaushik, Nishav was the rightful heir of the throne of Vrijika Dynasty. But there was a catch. And it was the fact that he wasn't the firstborn.

The dynasty and race of Vrikajinas that was ruled by pure strength had started to fall prey to political plays even before the birth of the seven princes. Everything was balanced as long as Nishav wasn't born. Till that time, Yudveer, the firstborn son of Samrat Kaushik was already accepted as the Yuvraj and was supported by the subjects too as he had already proven himself to be worthy of the title.

After Nishav was born, nothing changed though some people started to have doubts. But Nishav grew up to be the most charming, easygoing and carefree one. Violence and relying on strength wasn't something he did often if ever. And that led people to believe him to be weak and unfit for the title. The doubts regarding crowning were cleared from minds. Which in turn worked in support of Yudveer. Though he never saw Nishav as a competitor, rather always loved him as his brother and Nishav also respected and looked up to him.

But blood talks. Power can't be surpassed for long. Sooner or later it was meant to happen. And it did happen. The war with Asuras revealed his true form to everyone. Nishav lost his ever present calm and charming personality that day. And for the first time shifted before the eyes of his subjects. The huge beastly form of his, had not only scared his enemies, but his own people too.

Destruction happened. In a rage that couldn't be controlled, Rajkumar Nishav had destroyed an entire army of Asuras that day. Drenched in blood and gore of the enemy, he had earned the title of Slayer. His aura was so powerful that all the Vrikajinas present in that battlefield were forced on their knees to submission. And that changed everything as his true potential was realized. Conflicts started and misfortune took over the throne.

Bhargav, the ever obedient brother and the right hand of Yudveer betrayed the brother who trusted him more than himself. Arudra was devastated after losing Sree. Nishav was fighting with himself to regain the control over his beast. Aditya lost the battle with Pisachas. Raghav succumbed to the darkness . And Sreyas, the unfortunate one, fell prey to his own mate's betrayal.

And amidst it all when the seven princes of Arcadia were vulnerable one way or other, Samrat Kaushik was dead!

Everything shattered just in a span of a few months. And when the arguments were going on as to who should be the next Samrat, Yudveer took the decision of retiring from material life. He took Jal Samadhi (water grave), immersing himself into the deepest part of river Ganga. And Nishav refused to take the throne which was rightfully and legitimately his.

Numerous attempts to end the existence of the crown prince were made in vain. Nishav remained MIA all those years. Only his defenders (bodyguards whose first and foremost duty was to protect the Yuvraj) knew about his whereabouts who followed him everywhere, no matter what.

So, after waiting for more than five hundred years, Dhundumar had decided to take what he deserved throwing cautiousness into air.

But if Nishav returned and claimed his throne, then all bets would be off. There was no way any single wolf would support him against the Slayer, the most feared and powerful Vrikajina that existed in current time.

"Find Arudra! Anyhow! Before he comes after us seeking revenge."


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