Chapter 3

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"Pranipat Acharya!" Sadashiv greeted Acharya Nabgah with folded hands. A fake smile was plastered on his face which failed to fool the learned and experienced scholar. In all his six centuries of life, he had encountered this smile many times from different ones. Most expected him to fall for their act and succumb to the darkness. He would have, considering werewolves lost their sanity much earlier without a mate. But he had refused to take the path of destruction and instead followed the sacred life that was set for Vrikajinas. And it helped him in calming his mind and purifying intentions.

"Kalyanmastu (may your welfare be assured)." Acharya blessed him. He eyed the way where Dushyant had gone after meeting Sadashiv. That boy was upto no good. He found pleasure in torturing others. There had been many incidents where the line was crossed. But Sadashiv never bothered himself with these things unless he felt his authority was challenged.

"What an honor that you decided to enlighten me with your presence!" Sadashiv said mockingly.

"It'll be an honor to me if my presence could actually enlighten you." Nabgah replied with a hint of a smirk. Sadashiv's mouth tightened before he masked it away.

"Why are you here?" He asked eying the brahmin.

"You forced me to come here by ordering a youngling to mate that recalcitrant boy."
Acharya Nabgah remained aloof from Samuday's matter mostly. And it was better that way unless one of them wouldn't breath anymore.

"Recalcitrant? Isn't that how you describe me usually? Anyways. Did she complain to you?" Sadashiv asked arching an eyebrow.

"I know you want to keep your dogs happy so they sway their tail at every command you give them." Acharya said instead. "But we had this conversation long ago. You cannot force anyone to mate."

"I look after my own. After her parents'death, she's my responsibility. I decide what's best for her." Sadashiv said nonchalantly.

"Who are you trying to fool? You and I both know that her existence matters little to you as she never shifted. If she did, you wouldn't be so relaxed." Acharya said in his deep calm tone. "Now that she presents no threat, you're offering her to your pet like a piece of meat."

"What I do or how I run my Samuday, is my business only." Sadashiv said with a low growl. Acharya Nabgah stared at him as he saw a flash of red reflected in his orbs before it was gone.
"As for that girl, you're right. She matters little as she hasn't shifted yet. And it's better this way." Sadashiv said replacing his anger with a sleek smile before adding,

"Not only for me, but for you too. Because none of us are as clean as we would like to believe, remember?"

Acharya's mouth tightened at the reminder that his clothes weren't devoid of innocents blood too.

"You've done enough damage Sadashiv. I will not let you do any more injustice to that girl." He said gravely.

"And who would you turn to get justice exactly?" Sadashiv asked with a smirk.
"Would you go to the royal court? Yes. You can do that. Go to the purebreds to complain." He said nodding, but then pretended to remember something and added, "But wait! The throne has been empty for the past five centuries, hasn't it? There's no royal alive to sit on it, is there? And the council has been in disarray since."

"Isika labh uthakar to tum jaise aab tak arajakta feila rahe hai. Kintu smaran rakhna, jab jab adharm or pap ka bojh barh jata hai, tab tab dharti ko papmukth kar santulit karne hetu, isswar kisi na kisi rup mai  abasya aate hai.

(That's why people like you are able to cause anarchy. But remember one thing. Whenever unrighteousness and sin are overflowing, God surely comes in one form or another to rid the earth of it and bring balance.)"

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