Chapter 4

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Sreeshanvika fisted her hand tightly and looked ready to cry as Uma and Shankhini gave her an irritated look.

"I'm asking you again. Give your hand to me." Shankhini said.

"But you're going to cut my palm." Sreeshanvika whined.

"How else is she going to draw your blood?! By sucking like a Pisacha (Vampire)?" Uma asked in annoyance.

"I don't know. But I heard they suck the blood of their bride rather amorously." Sreeshanvika replied with a shrug. Uma and Shankhini both gave her a dumbfounded stare.

"Seriously?!" Shankhini asked with a blink and then turned to Uma.
"What the hell is going on? Are you sure she's a Vrikajina?"

"I'm starting to doubt that. Which Vrikajina finds anything sensual about those bloodsuckers?!" Uma exclaimed still staring at Sreeshanvika.

"Interesting." Shankhini nodded, staring at her again.

"Hello ladies! I'm quite sure I'm a Vrikajina." Sreeshanvika said crossing her arms. "Though I never shifted."

"Oh! There she is. The little whining wolf." Uma said with a tight lipped smile. "Sorry, wolfless wolf."

"Oh! Come on! How much are you gonna roast me in one day? Don't you think today's quota is more than filled?"

"It's not....."

"Excuse me! Please call me later when you're done." Shankhini interrupted as Uma was about to retort back.

"No need. Go ahead and draw some blood. Maybe you can also tell why she hasn't shifted yet." Uma said with a frown.

"Do you see an offer board? Buy one, get one free?"

"No, but she's paying much more than anyone ever would. This is the least you can do as a righteous person."

Shankhini frowned at Uma with displeasure but didn't say anything more. She turned to Sreeshanvika and motioned her to give her palm silently. Sreeshanvika took a deep breath before she slowly forwarded her hand. Shankhini grabbed her trembling hand and made a deep cut with the sharp knife she held.

Sreeshanvika let out a yell as blood oozed out from the cut and fell into the vial Shankhini had placed under her bleeding palm. There was a glint in her eyes as she saw Sreeshanvika's blood filling the vial.

Sreeshanvika grimaced at the pain the cut caused, but then suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her chest like her ribs had been broken. Sreeshanvika tried to breath through the pain, but her lungs failed her. It was impossible to breath around the pain as she looked at Uma helplessly. The last thing she saw before losing consciousness was Uma's alarmed face hovering over hers.

"Sree? Sree?! Wake up! What happened to you?!" Uma shook Sreeshanvika's unconscious form in panic. She should not have allowed her to do this. Even though Vrikajinas had the ability to heal faster than humans, the pain was just that severe in their cases too. Their enhanced ability enabled them to heal faster, but it also made the feeling of pain that much profound.

Shankhini frowned at the unconscious form of the girl. A small cut and little blood couldn't possibly be the reason for her losing consciousness. She observed Sreeshanvika closely. The girl's lips were turning blue and there were bags under her eyes.
This wasn't a good sign.

"Let's take her to my place before it's too late."


Chandradev's soothing glow shone upon a restless and frost covered clearing inside the large forest area. Insects were buzzing and chirping as a bone-numbing breeze stirred the tall grass, spooking the small creatures within. These cold gusts of wind fell from the nearby mountains. Their large and domineering forms cast enormous shadows down upon the surrounding land, obscuring threats and causing illusions to meander to and fro. Large ancient oak trees acted as astute wardens, as they surrounded the field, giving one a sense of safety and obscurity as it provided a pleasant spot of respite for any traveler to rest peacefully.

The large form of a man was moving through the forest floor lazily. His steps were measured and silent like his feet weren't actually touching the ground but the air above it. He held a burning cigar in one hand. A hoodie covered his face from view. Only the shadow of a strong jawline could be made out in the dancing rays of the moon.

His leisurely walk led him to the small clearing where a brahmin was waiting for him.

"Pranipat." The man addressed the brahmin with a hint of humor in his voice. "Acharya."

Acharya Nabgah remained silent for a few minutes and observed him.

"What is that?" Acharya asked as his eyes fell on the cigar. These things with the unpleasant smell didn't left any lasting effect on Vrikajinas. Even the initial buzz that humans sought was lost to them.

"New invention of the Krityakas (witches)." The man replied taking another puff of the cigar. "Enhanced with the mix of some herbs to give the desired buzzing effect to us. It's getting quite popular in the market."

"That'll serve you no good except for numbing your senses." Nabgah said.

"That'd be nice. At least I'll have an excuse for my failures." He said bitterly. "Any news?"

Acharya Nabgah tensed before nodding slowly.

"Has she shifted?" The man asked slightly narrowing his eyes. All hopes were lost. But still there was a tiny bit remaining inside him that waited for her to shift. Then again, he dreaded that too in fear of losing that tiny bit of hope.

"No. But it seems," Acharya hesitated for a second doubting himself before spilling it.
"Her mind has merged with Arudra's."

The man felt numb as Acharya told him everything that had been happening with Sreeshanvika.

"That means, Arudra is alive!" The man mumbled before a genuine smile came to his lips and his eyes became wet.
"My brother is alive!"

"Yes, Nishav. Arudra is alive." Acharya confirmed. "And we need to find him soon."

Nishav took a deep breath thanking Mahadev before he composed himself .

"Sadashiv is also ready to make his moves. He has been gathering forces for a long time now. And it seems he has indeed gathered some powerful allies." Nabgah informed him.

"Let him dream some more." Nishav replied with a snort.

"I don't think it'll be a good idea to ignore him more. The empty throne has given leeches like him an open invitation and they're circulating around it closely." Nabgah said again trying to enforce his point.

"The throne will remain empty until..." Nishav said calmly and trailed off meaningfully. Nabgah got it and fell silent.

"First we will have to find Arudra before it's too late." Nishav added.

"He will not be happy. We've risked the only thing he told us to protect." Nabgah commented.

"Then he should have protected himself better." Nishav said with a shrug. "If he hasn't been gone for the last five centuries, we wouldn't need to drag Sreeshanvika into this. It was the last straw to know if he really was dead or not."

"May Mahadev protect you from his wrath!" Acharya Nabgah prayed sincerely making a frown appear on Nishav's face.

"You are equally involved in this."

"But I am a brahmin. And killing a brahmin is a sin that Arudra wouldn't commit." Nabgah replied with a hint of a smirk. Nishav shook his head in displeasure only before turning to leave.

"And Rajkumar (Prince) Nishav?" Acharya Nabgah called him from behind to return the humor he found in calling him Acharya.
However, Nishav only glanced behind with an arched brow.

"Stop humoring yourself with those Krityakas. This reckless behavior does not suit someone from the royal bloodline."

Nishav smirked at that and left without saying anything.


Too bad he wasn't going to stop then.

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