TOS: Jim Kirk

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Honestly im more of a Chekov girl myself but Kirk is so fun too write 😭
ENJOY!! -Kirin
also the original replicators wasnt super advanced but just pretend they was

March 22nd.

It was Jim's birthday and some of you had decided to set up a surprise for him in one of the mess halls.

Doctor McCoy isnt a big party enjoyer and even though he was going to he there (after a lot of convincing) his main job was to distract the Captain by making him stay either in the Sick Bay or The Bridge.

You started to replicate and put drinks in a cooler, you could probably do this at the party but you like to get things done beforehand. The door opened and you looked up to see your friend Uhura.

"Hey, i just got off duty and thought i should help out a bit in here?" She said but quite quietly.

"YES PLEASE! " You say in reply a lot louder than she was.


"How would it be logical to scare the ca-"

"C'mon Spock its gonna be fun, this isnt a normal surprise party! Plus this wont scare him, its right up his street. "

"His street-?"

You pat his shoulder and shake your head.
" Nevermind."

The door opens and everyone turns their heads too see.

"Ze keptin iz coming!!!" Chekov frantically said. Running further into the room away from the doorway.

Tiny time skip

Jim gets too the door and all the lights are turned off, they flick on and...


He opens his mouth to say something as a water balloon goes flying at his face.

Doctor McCoy laughs out loud after throwing the balloon.


Is this short? Yes

Sorry about that 😢

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