DS9: Julian Bashir

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The end of your shift was nearing, not that you had anything to do. Julian was on a night shift in the infirmary, and Jadzia was busy in Ops.

Is what any normal person would say as they whine about being lonely, but not you; your time was spent listening to music and getting blackout drunk with some random Klingons in Quarks; your life didn't seem to mean much; Jadzia had "many lives" and achieved so much; Julian is one of the youngest Chief Medical Officers; and your just some lousy engineer.


You stumble back to the bar, laughing.

"Ohhhh, Quarkkkkk," you say in a sing-song voice. "You got any Holodecks going for free for me?"

With a grumble and an annoyed voice, the ferengi tells you that you have an hour and no more.

"Why thank you, good sir!" You say it with a high-pitched stereotypical English accent before walking up the stairs to the suites.

Loading is complete; you may now enter.

The music pumped through the holographic club as green and blue lights flashed across the room. You sat in a booth with some girls, all of you laughing while doing shots and shaking your heads from side to side at the taste.

Back on earth, you were into the clubbing scene; now it was underground and illegal; they werent as original as "back in the day" and many didn't have true alcohol, like in the holodeck so it felt the same as it does on earth.

"Y/N?!" You heard a distinctive English accent call through the club.

"I must be imagining it," you mumble, and you rub your head, leaning on one of the girls.

"COMPUTER PAUSE PROGRAM!" The voice called out again before everything stopped.

"HEY, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" You shout into the now-still crowd, getting up from your seat in the booth.

It was Julian.

"What are you doing here?" you laugh. "Wait, when is it?"

"It's too late. Your shift ended hours ago; you should be asleep, especially if you've had as many drinks as it looks," he sighs. "Have you had any water?"

He hooks his arm around your back, supporting you and guiding you out of the holodeck. "Computer end program!"


You reach the bottom of the stairs at Quarks, laughing and holding onto Julian.



You dive into the bed and wrap the covers around you as Julian puts a big bottle of water on the bedside table closest to you.

"You should drink this. I'm going to sleep on the sofa; please don't hesitate to call me," he said, kissing you on the forehead.

"Why aren't you sleeping in here?" You are confused.

He shrugs.

"Well, I thought you'd want the bed to yourself. I mean, they're already uncomfortable as it is."

You laugh at his thoughtful idea before stating that he should just stay, and you'll make sure to run to the bathroom if you're sick.

"Oh, that's not what I care about. I'm sure I've seen much worse. Did I tell you about the time I-"

You cover your ears and turn over as he gets into bed as well, still talking about whatever disgusting thing he's seen in his career.

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