Chapter 1: If Mario and Y/n Were in Splatoon

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(What better way to get back into it than a return to your roots, eh?)

It was a peaceful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Truly, it was. SMG4 was in town for the day running some errands, leaving you and Mario to help out Peach and Toadsworth paint the lower levels of the castle.

In reality, you'd rather continue training and practicing your new abilities out, but after a mishap outside leading to half the trees being disintegrated, Peach forbade you from training. At least until your new personalized training room was finished being built.

Toadsworth: Hmm... Masters Mario and Y/n, it would seem that we ran out of orange paint. Could you two please go look for some more?

Y/n: Sure thing, old timer. C'mon, Mario.

Mario: Oh yeah! Let's go.

The two of you went to the storage room to look for the can. You took one half of the room while Mario took the other. After a few minutes of searching, you found everything but a can of orange paint.

You then hear a few things being knocked over on Mario's side of the room. Letting out a sigh, you head over to see what it was that the plumber broke.

Y/n: Mario, why do you have to break things when you're just looking for some pai-

You're cut off when you see Mario come around the corner, being dragged by an orange squid. You don't know whether to be shocked or impressed that it was able to drag him, and so fast too.

Mario: Y/n, heeeellllllp!

Mario was then dragged through a pipe. After getting back your senses from witnessing what just transpired, you look head over to the pipe.

Y/n: Seems like today is going to be interesting after all.

With that, you walk over to the pipe and jump down. Once you made it to the other side, you see that you are in a sort of plaza. What's even more interesting is the citizens walking around. Taking a closer look, you see that the populace are humanoid squids and a small handful of octopus. Though, some of them seem to be trying to hide themselves a bit.

Looking around some more, you saw a puddle of orange ink and a Mario shaped silhouette on the ground. Following the trail of ink that he had left, you come across an old man and a homeless person, but no sign of the plumber.

Y/n: I wasn't even that far behind. Where the hell could he be?

Your question was answered soon after when you hear glass shatter above you. Among the glass shards, you see a large figure fall from the balcony above you. Lifting your hand, you catch the figure.

Mario: Oh Y/n, Hello!

Y/n: Hi Mario. Already getting thrown out of buildings I see.

Mario: You know it!

He then looks past you to look at something. Whatever it was, he got excited and ran past you.

Mario: C'mon Y/n!

Sighing, you follow him into an alley and when you catch up, you see him get shot with orange ink.

Girl's voice: Sorry, Red, your face looks like a target!

That was when you turn the corner to make your presence known to the others.

Y/n: Yeah, and his big nose is the bullseye.

Mario: Mamafucker!

This managed to get a laugh from the girl, but the others began whispering to themselves.

Inkling boy 1: Another one?

Inkling boy 2: Two freaks popping up at the same time? I hope this isn't some kind of omen.

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