Chapter 7: The Convention

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It was a great day for the people of Muchroom City. At least it was for a select group of people. The yearly Mushroom City convention was in full effect. From cosplayers to turbo nerds flocked in droves to get into the set.

Luigi was kind enough to buy you and Mario tickets to the event. Seeing that Luigi went out of his way to get tickets not just one, but three, which was probably extremely expensive, you happily took one.

Mario on the other hand wasn't too thrilled about going. Something about not wanting to catch nerd diseases.

You and Mario went in your normal clothes, but Luigi went cosplaying as Finn from Adventure Time.

Luigi: Wow. Look at all the cool stuff! This convention is awesome!

Mario: Can Mario go home now? My feet hurt and there are way too many weirdos.

Y/n: Come on Mario, we just got here. At least give it a chance.

Luigi: Yeah, look at all these awesome booths! There's something for every kind of fan!

Mario: I don't know. Do they have a spaghetti appreciation booth?

Luigi: You never know, they just might Mario.

Y/n: As weird as that sounds... anyway, let's go check everything out.

Luigi: Yeah, let's start with the Sci-Fi booth!

Mario: Urggh... fine.

Luigi led you and Mario to a Star Wars booth, that was being run by Bowser.

Bowser: Who dares enter my booth?

Y/n: Hey Bowser.

Bowser: Hi Y/n.

Mario: Oh, Bowser, nice pokemon costume.

Bowser: What? I'm not a pokemon!

Mario doesn't listen as he and Luigi start looking through the merchandise. Luigi eventually walks up to a police box.

Luigi: Hey guys, look. It's the Tardis!

Mario: What did you call me?

Luigi steps inside the Tardis.

Luigi: Look at me guys, I'm the Doct-

He was cut off as the box began to violently shake. The next moment, the Police Box and Luigi were gone.

Y/n: Uh... he's going to be okay, right?

Mario: ... Hey what's that over there?

Mario runs back over to the table, causing you to face palm in frustration. Hoping that Luigi will be okay, you look over to Mario.

Who was playing with a real Lightsaber.

Bowser: Hey, be careful with that, it not a-

The Lighsaber goes through Bowser's hand, causing him to start screaming in pain. Quickly, you rush over to try to help the Koopa King.

Y/n: Bowser, I need you to hold still big guy!

As Bowser was flailing around, you did the best you could to try and grab a hold of the hilt to deactivate the blade. All the while, Mario was goofing off acting as if nothing happened. Unbeknownst to you, three more friends had decided to show up.

Meggy, Desti and Tari were walking down the aisle, looking at all the booths. Tari was cosplaying as Link and was in awe of all of the booths. The Inkling and the Octoling however, were not as impressed.

Tari: Oooh. Look at that! Oh isn't this amazing?!

Meggy and Desti can only look as two bystanders walking wearing tentacle wigs.

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