Sorrow - pure of heart

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Times of happiness were not mean to last forever as you and everyone had thought, as you had become mates with Jake and neytiro this had become your moment of happiness. That was not meant to last for long as the time of sorrow had come for you and everyone else.

Y/n " ......" It had been a three months since you had lost most of the people you love and care about, as they had dead fighting in the battle against the RDA for pandora. You had lost many people that were so close to your and it broke your heart.

Jake " love how are you feeling"

Y/n " I don't know I feel like my whole world has come crashing down again and there nothing I can do to stop it"

Jake " oh sweetie" Jake could see you were about to cry again he soon got close to you and start comforting you.

Jake " we all have lost those we have love and it will take time to rebuild but we most remember those who we lost" you had forgotten jake had lost ones he had loved as well, you soon hugged him feeling selfish for you actions.

Y/n " I'm sorry for being so selfish I should of know you are grieving as well"

Jake " don't apologize for anything my love you have all right to drive everything that was lost that you cared for so much"

???? " ma y/n" soon neytiro had shown himself he soon walked closer to you and Jake, making Jake break awya from your embrace.

Neytiro " I came to see how you are doing today we have me worried my love"

Y/n " im doing well I still miss them all"

Neytrio " they all will be missed ma y/n they were heroes to the people and we will be remember for years in stories and songs"

Y/n " how are you doing ma Neytiro"

Neytiro " I will remember my father and my home I will never forget them"

Y/n " good"

Neytiro " I and Jake are here for you my wife we will never leave you we will always be here for you"

Y/n " thank you my husbands"

Jake " you can grieve for as how long as you wish for you father and grace"

Y/n " Thank you for saying that to me it makes me feel better"

Neytiro " will you be okay when we are away tsutey and my mother will be here for you if anything happens" Both Jake and neytiro were leaving for a few days, meaning you were going to be alone for some days.

Y/n " I will be okay my loves the people need you both human and navi"

Jake " okay we will be home in a week or longer if anything happen call us and we will ..."

Y/n " I will be fine"

Jake " we'll we are not leaving until morning so you have us for the rest of the day"

Y/n " I will love that" Jake and neytiro had spent the day and night with your many families as many of them were going on this trip and it will be long time until everyone see each other again. That day you were able to feel some happiness and warmth as the guys were able to make you feel love and wanted, staying by your side to make sure you were okay.

Jake " we will be home soon love"

Y/n " I know now go before I start crying"

Neytiro " take care you and please make sure my mother is okay as well"

Y/n " I will" you had kissed your mates goodbye before they had left as you watched them and the group leave you were sad at first until a group of kids had came asking you to teach them something you had agreed and went off with them. The group had been gone for one week and three days, but you were able to find some work to keep yourself busy.

Y/n " hello moat"

Moat " hello my daughter in law why have you come to pay me visit"

Y/n " well I haven't been feeling well since yesterday and came to see some help"

Moat " come" you soon laid down as moat had started examining your body when she stop when she reached you stomach soon looking at you, soon a smile had shown up on her face.

Moat " it seems like the clan and your family have been blessed"

Y/n " ....."

Moat " you are with child y/n" you soon got up and looked at moat it was hard for you to believe that new as avatar were told to not be able to have children, but it seem like it was true.

Y/n " we most go meet with the humans and see more this is something rare"

Moat " yes we most for your sake and the baby sake" you and moat had went to the human and told them the new even they were shocked, and ran some test as well and it came back positive you are pregnant. Everyone was shocked and happy for you as everyone needed some good new during these months.

Y/n " ......"

Jake " hey were are home"

Y/n " welcome home my loves how was the trip"

Jake " it was good but many things will have to be done"

Neytiro " are you okay love there seems to be glow to you" you soon smiled and laughed getting the guys off guard you soon grab one of their hands, and place them on your stomach.

Jake " what is ..."

Neytiro " you are with child"

Y/n " yes"

Jake " that amazing I thought that wouldn't happen but that amazing" your mates had embraced you in a hug as tears had rushed down you face, they had held you close to them happy about the new. As sorrow had come happiness will come as well.

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