Happines - pure of heart

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News of your pregnancy had made your mates and loved ones happy as it will help start something new for you, learning that you will be pregnant for a year shocked you as that was something you didn't know until moat told you. As months went up your mates had become overprotective of you always making sure you were okay and not alone for that much of times. You were making stuff for you unborn baby happiness shining on your face.

Y/n " I feel my child kick ever now and then moat says the baby going to be a might warrior" you were making a video log you had been doing this since the start of pregnancy for future generations and data.

Y/n " Jake and neytiro have been fighting over baby names for the child, we still done know if we are having boy or girl but I feel like this pregnancy will be shocker to everyone"

Y/n " I been working on lullabies and stores to tell my child when they are born, I'm going to tell them a lullaby my aunt and dad use to play for me baby of mine ... I know that a human sing but I want to share the song with my child I have more songs one of them I remember from my day you'll be in my heart"

Y/n " I don't know what Jake and neytiro have decided on"

???? " hey I'm still working on it"

Y/n " Jake"

Jake " no sit down"

Y/n " Jake I'm fine ...."

Jake " you are pregnant as an navi not human so I can worry all I want now sit please"

Y/n " fine"

Jake " so this what you have been doing make these video logs"

Y/n " yes I have do you like them"

Jake " I love them but neytiro will not like it"

Y/n " I will deal with him later so how do you feel about become a father"

Jake " happy and scared out of mine we spent so many years being human, I thought I was going to father as human not navi but I love it"

Y/n " good"

Jake " so how was the check up learn more about our new addition"

Y/n " no it seems like the max and doctors test are only telling me the baby is healthy but nothing else, and has good heart rate and very active"

Jake " well that good I cnat wait to meet our child now come on we should get you home"

Y/n " coming well bye for now until next time" you soon ended the video and having it added to the list of log you have made, there were many different groups of them.

Jake " how many have you made"

Y/n " enough to share some information about Sandra and what life as navi is like"

Jake " well come on mrs sully we have to you home" Jake had placed his hand against your back and soon started walking away with you toward home, where neytrio was waiting with dinner.

Neytiro " here you are I have dinner made you should eat"

Y/n " thank you" you soon sat down and were given some food you were eating while watching your husbands talk and debate on the way to train the young warriors.

Y/n " moat and the doctors think the baby will be born anytime now"

Neytiro " that wonderful my love I cnat wait to meet our child"

Jake " we have made enough for the baby"

Y/n " that wonderful"

Neytiro " we can name the baby after a family member or something special"

Y/n " when the right time comes the perfect name will show" You were praying and hoping to meet your child soon you couldn't wait to see what your baby will be like, then the day came when you had gone into labor Jake and neytiro were away but came rushing home when norm called them. They were there for the birth of the baby and soon came face to face with their son, as you held him close to your heart.

Jake and neytiro " neteyam" after a while since the birth of your son he was shown to the rest of the clan he was held by both of his father, neteyam was cute baby you smiled when looking at him.

Everyone " neteyam"

Y/n " baby mine dry your eyes rest you head closer to my heart baby of mine never to apart baby of mine" you were holding neteyam close that night as he had woken up crying from a bad dream, you sat down rocking him singing the song. The navi had start getting use to hearing human songs sang to babies from other avatar parents like you and Jake. There were other couple like you that were avatar and navi raising kids together.

Neytiro " what is this song Jake I haven't heard it before"

Jake " her dad use to sing it to her when she was a baby many parents of earth sang or played lullabies like this" both man were watching you singing Neteyam to sleep and neteyam loves the song. As he had fallen asleep while listening to the song both man smiled watched mom and baby bond.

Y/n " goodnight my little neteyam sleep well my son" you soon kissed neteyam forehead as you placed a blanket over him, you stood there for a while longer making sure he is breathing properly and safe. You soon felt someone behind you it was jake and neytiro.

Jake " he is our happiness"

Y/n " yes he is our happiness"

Neytiro " he will be the hope to our people and the flute of our family as well" the three adults had soon went to bed you did find your happiness once again after so much sorrow and heartbreak, neteyam will not be your only child that will bring you happiness and peace in your life.

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