chapter 2

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Yor pov

The next morning I woke up to see Y/N cuddled up to me sucking his thumb and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was. I would have told him im going to cook breakfast but I don't want to wake him up so I got out of bed carefully without waking up Y/N and I gave him a little kiss on his head. I then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and fix my hair. 

I then went to the kitchen and put on my apron and started cooking breakfast. A couple minutes later I made a simple breakfast of eggs and bacon and I also poured two glasses up orange juice. Once I set the food and drinks on the table I felt a tap on my leg. I then turned around and look down to see Y/N and I then picked him up and gave him a kiss on his nose.

Yor: good morning little one. 

Y/N: *yawn* good morning mommy.

Yor: did you sleep good last night?

Y/N: yes. I slept comfortable cuddled up to you.

Yor: I'm glad you slept good. breakfast is ready.

I then sat Y/N down in his seat and we both started eating breakfast. A while later after breakfast Y/N was sitting on the couch watching tv and I was washing the dishes when I got a call on my phone and I answered it.

Yor: briar residence.

Yuri: hey sis whats up.

Yor: oh hey Yuri.

Yuri: how's everything going?

Yor: it's going fine I guess.

Yuri: your kind of weird so im worried about you?

Yor: don't be weird im completely normal.

Yuri: well it's just most girls your age are married. any prospects?

Yor: * sigh* (not this again).

Yuri: im sorry it's just that I might get a big promotion soon and I might be traveling more often but I worry about leaving you alone in a big city so im not sure if I should take the offer. But the reason I got this far is because of all your help and im grateful for that and that's why I want you to be happy.

Yor: aww that's sweet Yuri.

Yuri: can I set you up with someone?

Yor: that won't be necessary because I have a son.

Yuri: wait you already have a boyfriend?

Yor: no it's not that... I found him alone in an alleyway last night and I didn't want him out there alone so I brought him back to my home.

Yuri: aww that's so sweet of you. Maybe one day I'll come and visit you and your son. talk to you soon.

Yor: you too.

I then ended the phone call and went to the couch to sit down with Y/N.

Y/N: who was that?

Yor: that was my brother Yuri.

Y/N: oh ok.

at that moment I got another phone call on my phone and I got up from the couch and went to get my phone and I answered the call thinking it was Yuri again.

Yor: what is it Yuri?

???: uh oh are you and your little brother having an argument.

Yor: i... shopkeeper I didn't realize it was you

I then went to the bedroom so Y/N wouldn't hear the phone call.

???: it's fine but I do have a client needing your attention later tonight thorn princess. the royal hotel. room 1307

later that night I made sure Y/N was sleeping in our bed and I had already changed into my dress. I was about to leave when I thought that maybe I shouldn't leave Y/N alone but at the same time I want to keep him safe. I then left the apartment and made my way to the hotel. at one point I was waiting for the elevator so I could go up to the 13th floor when I heard a familiar voice.

Y/N: mommy.

I turned around and looked down and was shocked to see Y/N and he hugged my leg.

Yor: wait but h-how did you?

Y/N: I followed you.

Yor: (oh no this is bad what am I going to do now?) listen Y/N-

Y/N: I already know. I heard your phone call and I wanted to help.

Yor: help? how?

Y/N: I'll show you.

then the elevator arrived and we both got in and started heading up to the 13th floor. once we arrived we were greeted by three guys in suits.

guy1: im sorry but the entire floor has been reserved for the evening.

guy 2: did anyone call for this chick?

guy3: I don't know.

Yor: with all due respect but I heard there's a traitorous scumbag staying here.

I then took out my weapons and assassinated all three of the guys quickly and silently. I then look down at Y/N who was hugging my leg.

Yor: ok so how were you going to help.

Y/N: watch. once the lights are out they won't know what got them.

I was about confused about what he said then he took out a phone and was able to hack into the system and shut the power off in the hotel which made the mission more silent and deadly. after I assassinated them I was in the bathroom washing the blood off my weapons. but then I looked down at Y/N.

Yor: how did you do that earlier?

Y/N: im a hacker and I was able to hack into the electrical system and shut it off. I can also hack into camera's computers, phones, and shut off electricity to go out.

Yor: wow that's amazing. why didn't you tell me earlier?

Y/N: well I didn't because I didn't want you to think I was trying to do something wrong and I thought you would leave me alone.

he then started crying and I then picked him up and hugged him.

Yor: it's okay sweetie. your not doing anything wrong and your very helpful and to be honest you did great tonight and like I said earlier I would never leave you. Your my top priority and I promise to protect you no matter what. I love you

then I kissed him on his cheek.

Y/N: *sniff* thank you mommy.

later that night we were walking back to the apartment when I looked down at Y/N and I saw he was very sleepy.

Yor: do you want me to carry you?

Y/N: *nods*

I then picked him and cradled him in my arms like he was a baby and he started sucking his thumb as he fell asleep in my arms. A while later we both arrived to the apartment and I took the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door and went inside and shut the door behind me and locked it. I then went to the bedroom and laid Y/N on the bed and I went to the restroom and changed into some nightwear and I went back to the bedroom and got into bed and Y/N cuddled up to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

Y/N: *yawns* good night mommy I love you.

Yor: I love you too my little hacker. good night.

I then fell asleep with my son sleeping in my warm embrace and I gave him a good night kiss.

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