chapter 3

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Y/N pov

that same night I was having a bit of trouble sleeping because I was having a nightmare that I was still alone in the alleyway where yor found me. at some point I woke up and looked to see my mommy sleeping beside me but I didn't want to wake her up because I thought she would be upset but I didn't want to go back to sleep so I tapped her and she woke up.

Yor: huh... *yawn* oh Y/N why are you awake?

Y/N: I-i had a nightmare... a-and I can't sleep.

Yor: oh sweetie come here.

she then sat up and I crawled over to her and sat in her lap as she gave me a kiss on my head and she wrapped her arms around me but I was still shivering a bit.

Yor: oh your shivering little one. was the nightmare that scary?

Y/N: y-yes I-i had a nightmare that I was alone in the same alleyway and I was still alone.

Yor: awww it's okay. mommy's here. okay?

Y/N: *nods*

Yor: huh? what time is it?

she then looks at the clock and it read 2:14 AM.

Yor: oh it's 2 in the morning.

Y/N: I'm sorry mommy I was nervous to wake you up because I thought you would be upset.

Yor: oh sweetie I wouldn't be upset. If your ever scared in the middle of the night you can wake me up okay.

Y/N: okay.

Yor: would you like a glass of milk?

Y/N: yes please.

Yor: okay wait here.

yor then got out of bed and went to the kitchen. and a couple minutes later she came back into the room and handed me the glass of milk and I started drinking it. once I finished it I set the glass on the nightstand. 

Yor: you know I have a story I enjoyed reading when I was little. do you want me to read it to you?

Y/N: yes please.

she then went to a bookshelf and took a book off the shelf and got back into bed and turned on a lamp and I crawled onto her lap and cuddled up to her.

Yor: okay sweetie this story is called the blue light I used to read this when I was younger and I hope you will enjoy it.

Y/N: okay.

yor then opened the book and started reading.

Yor: once upon a time there was a soldier who for many years served the king loyally for many years. But when the war came to an end he could serve no longer serve because of the many wounds he had received. The king said to him "you may return to your home. I need you no longer. You will not receive anymore money because wages are for those who earn them". Since the soldier didn't know how to earn a living, he walked a whole day through a forest. When night came he saw a light and he approached it and came to a little house where it lived a witch. "Do give me one night's lodging and a little to eat and drink." he said to her "or I shall starve." "oh." she answered. " who gives anything to a runaway soldier? but will I have compassion and take you in, if you do what I wish." "what do you wish?" asked the soldier  "that you dig all around my garden tomorrow."  The soldier agreed and the next day he worked with all his might, but he could not finish before the evening.  "I see," said the witch,  " you can do no more work today. I will keep you in for one more night if you will cut a log and make it small."  the soldier took the entire day to do this, and that evening the witch proposed that he stay one more night.  " tomorrow I only ask a task for you. behind my House there is a dry well into which my light has fallen. it burns blue and never goes out. I want you to get it for me."  The next day the old woman led him into the well and lowered him down in a basket. He found the light and gave a signal to pull him up. once she did but when he was close to the edge, she wanted to take the blue light from him. "no," he said, sensing her evil thoughts, "I shall not give you the light until I am standing on the ground with both feet."  then the witch became furious, and let him fall back into the well and left him. The poor soldier fell to the damp floor without injuries. the blue light continued to burn, but how could that help him? He saw that he couldn't escape death. He then reached into his pocket and found his pipe which was still half full of tobacco. "this will be my last pleasure." he thought, she then lit his pipe with the blue light and began to smoke.  After the fumes had wafted about the cavern, suddenly there stood before him was a little dwarf, who said, "master what do you command?"  "Why should I command you?" replied the soldier.  "I must do everything that you command," said the dwarf.  "good." said the soldier " help me out of here."  The dwarf took him by the hand and led him through an underground passage, and he didn't forget to take the blue light with him. Along the way he showed him treasures that the witch had collected and hidden there, and the soldier took as much gold as he could carry. When he was above ground he said to the dwarf "now go and bind the old witch and take her before the judge."  not long afterward she came riding by on a tomcat as fast as the wind and screaming horribly. And not long after that the dwarf was back. "it is all taken care of," he said. "the witch is hanging on the gallows. Master what do you command now?"  "nothing at the moment," answered the soldier. " you can go home, but be ready when I call you."  "it is only necessary," said the dwarf "for you to light your pipe with the blue light, and I will be with you." with that he disappeared before his eyes.  The soldier returned to the time from which he had come. He moved into the best inn and had beautiful clothes made for himself. then he told the innkeeper to furnish his room as luxuriously as possible. when it was furnished he summoned the dwarf and said "I served the king loyally, but he sent me away to starve. for this I now want revenge."  "what am I to do?" asked the little man.  "late this evening, when the king's daughter is lying in bed, bring her to me in her sleep. she shall do maid service for me."  the dwarf said " that is an easy thing for me, but a dangerous thing for you. if you are found out, it will not go well for you."  when it struck midnight the door opened, and the dwarf carried the king's daughter in.  "aha, is that you?" cried the soldier.  " get to work. go fetch the broom and sweep the room." when she had finished he called her to his chair, and stuck out his feet and said " pull off my boots." she then took off his boots and cleaned them to make them shine. she did everything that he ordered her to do, without resisting, silently, and with half-closed eyes. at the first rooter's crow, the dwarf carried her to the royal palace and back to her bed. The next morning, after the king's daughter had gotten up, she went to her father and told him that she had the strangest dream.  " I was carried away through the streets as fast as lightning and taken to a soldier's room. I had to serve as his maid and wait on him and do common work, sweep the room, and clean his boots. it was only a dream, but still I'm tired as if I really had done it."  " the dream could have been true," said the king. "I will give you some advice. fill your pocket with peas, then make a small hole in your pocket. if you are carried away again, they will fall out and leave a track on the street."  as the king was thus speaking the award was invisibly standing nearby and heard everything.  That night when he once again carried the sleeping princess through the streets, a few peas did indeed fall out of her pocket, but they did not leave a track, because the cunning dwarf had already scattered peas in all the streets. and once again the king's daughter had to do maid service until the rooster crowed. The next morning the king sent his people out to look for the track, but it was to no end, for in all the streets there were poor children gathering peas and saying " last night it rained peas."  "we must think of something else," said the king. " leave your shoes on when you go to bed and before you return from there hide one of them. I will be sure to find it."  The dwarf overheard this proposal and that evening the soldier again wanted the king's daughter brought to him, the dwarf advised him against this, saying that he had no way to protect him against such trickery. if the shoe were to be found in his room, it would not go well with him.  " do what I tell you," replied the soldier and for the third night the king's daughter had to work like a maid. but before she was carried back, she his a shoes under the bed.  The next morning the king had the entire city searched for the shoe, and it was found in the soldier's room. The soldier himself, following the little man's request, was already outside the city gate, but the soon overtook him and threw him into prison.  In his haste, he had forgotten his most valuable items: the blue light and the gold. he had only one ducat in his pocket. standing at the window of his prison and weighted down by chains, he saw one of his old comrades walking by. he tapped on the glass as he walked by and said, "be so good and bring me the little bundle that I left at the inn. I'll give you a ducat for it.  The comrade ran fourth and brought back the the desired things. as soon as the soldier was alone again he lit his pipe and summoned the dwarf. " have no fear," he said to his master.  "just go where they lead you and let everything happen, but take the blue light with you."  the next day the soldier was tired and although he had done nothing wrong, the judge still sentenced him to death as he was being led out, he asked the king for one last wish. "what sort of wish?" asked the king.  "that I might smoke one more pipe on the way."  " you can smoke three," answered the king, " but don't think I will let you live."  the soldier pulled out his pipe and lit it with the blue light. as soon as a few rings of smoke had risen, the dwarf was standing there he had a cudgel in his hand and said, "what does my master command?"  "strike the false judges and their henchmen to the ground for me. And don't spare the king either, who has treated me so horrible."  then the dwarf took off like lightning zip-zap back and fourth and everyone he even touched with his cudgel fell to the ground and did not dare to move. The king became afraid he begged for mercy and in order to save his life, he gave his kingdom to the soldier and his daughter to his wife.

when she was done reading the story I felt more sleepy and cuddled up to my mommy.

Yor: did you enjoy the story?

Y/N: yes mommy. *yawn* thank you mommy I love you. good night.

yor then laid next to me and pulled me closer to her and cuddled me as I fell asleep in her warm embrace and we both slept peacefully.

Yor: good night sweetie. I love you too. sweet dreams.

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