chapter 7

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Yor pov

Tonight was a quiet night. Y/N was sitting on the couch watching tv while I was in the kitchen cleaning. when I finished I got a notification on my phone and I checked to see what it was. The notification was of another mission where we had to get information on a target and take them out. At that moment I thought would Y/N want to help out. I then went over to the couch and sat next to Y/N.

Yor: hey Y/N.

Y/N: yes mommy?

Yor: I found out that we have a new mission.

Y/N: really?

Yor: yep. are you ready for this?

Y/N: yes. I'm ready.

Later that night we made our way to the location where we had to get the information about our target. When we arrived we both saw that there were guards patrolling the area.

Y/N: so what's the plan?

Yor: so I'm going to take out the guards and you are going to sneak inside the building and find the information on the target. got it?

Y/N: g-got it.

Yor: what's wrong?

Y/N: well it's just I have to go in by myself and what if I get caught?

I then hugged him.

Yor: don't worry Y/N you got this. And if you get caught I'll be there to help you. I love you.

Y/N: I love you too. okay I got this. oh and I have this.

Y/N then took a ear piece out of his pocket and handed it to me.

Yor: what is this for?

Y/N: it's for when I finish getting the information i can let you know.

Yor: great idea.

I then put the ear piece in my ear.

Yor: ready?

Y/N: yep.

Yor: let's go.

Y/N pov

I then snuck into the building to get the information on the target while my mommy went to take out the guards. while going through the building I had to disable the security cameras and at some point I ended up in one room and I hacked into a computer and was able to get the information on the target and his location. I then left the building and my mommy was waiting outside.

Y/N: mommy I got the information on the target and the location.

Yor: great job. let's go.

we then made our way to a warehouse where the target was located. At one point when we arrived I noticed that there were a few other guards and I thought of a plan.

Y/N: mommy I have an idea.

Yor: what is it?

Y/N: remember when I shut off the power at the hotel?

Yor: yep.

Y/N: what if I do it again and you stealthily take out the guards and the target?

Yor: great idea.

I then pulled out my phone and shut off all of the power and my mommy snuck into the warehouse.

guard 1: what the hell happened to the power?

guard 2: I don't know.

Yor pov

I was able to sneak into the warehouse and quickly take out the guards and the target. once the power came back on I left the warehouse and went outside where Y/N was waiting for me.

Yor: we did it.

Y/N: really?

Yor: yep. we did a great job tonight.

Y/N: *yawn* that's awesome.

Yor: come on let's go home.


when we got back to the apartment. Y/N went to change into some sleeping clothes and brush his teeth. when he finished I went to the bathroom to change into some sleeping clothes and brush my teeth. once I finished I went to the bedroom where Y/N was waiting for me and I picked him up and laid him on the bed and I got into bed with him and cuddled him under the covers and he snuggled up to me.

Y/N: *yawn* good night mommy.

Yor: good night my little hacker. I love you so much.

we then fell asleep cuddled up.

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